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"Now do you get it?"

"I can't believe management and Elevator could do that. I mean I knew that they were crazy but I never thought they would go this far" Liam said while the people were going out the plane

"I agree, but Harry has to know. Because this means that Louis actually loves him and all that shit" Niall said

" I know, I was going to his new hotel room and try to come with a plan" Zayn said

"We'll help. Harry was happier with Louis than he's ever been. And I'm sure Louis was the same" Liam said

"Yes, he was. They are made for each other" Zayn said and the other two nodded

"So, what's the plan?" Niall asked

"I dunno, but we should talk with Louis first. And when he stops crying, we'll make a plan to get larry back"

Niall and Liam nodded and went to Louis' hotel room. But when they arrived... nobody saw that coming

Omg people are reading this from literally the other side of the world hahaha
All the love

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