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"So I'm just 'lad' now?" Harry said while getting in bed with Louis

"Mmm, I'm not sure, why don't you convince me that you are more than that?" Louis smirked leaving the book he was reading in the table next to him

"I guess I can do that" Harry said and then sat in Louis' lap, he started kissing his neck and giving wet licks.

But at this point, Louis was already hard

He started taking Harry's shirt off when something interrupted him

The phone was ringing

"Now? Really?" Louis mumbled and Harry just laughed

Louis answer the phone without looking at the contact's name


"Louis! Are you with Harry?"

"Zayn? Yes I am with him and we were about to make love, so what do you want?"

"Well, sorry for disturbing you, but would you like to come over tomorrow? Me and Gigi have something to tell you"

"Yeah, is it bad?"

"No, not at all"

"Alright then, we'll see you tomorrow"

"K, keep fucking!" And then he hung up.

"What did he want?" Harry asked

"It seems like Gigi and him have something to tell us, and we have to go to their house tomorrow"

"Oh, okey" Harry said while getting up from louis' lap

"Where are you going?"

"I have to take a shower"


"Sorry babe" he said and got into the bathroom

"You can shower after sex tho"

"Well... I guess I can" Harry said from the other room

"Yup, of course. We can do it together, but now... I really fucking need you Hazz, so please come back"

Harry got out from the bathroom and he was wearing lingerie. Louis looked at him and bit his lip

"God" he said

"Are we gonna do this or not?"

"Hell yeah" Louis said getting closer to him

And of course, they did it

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