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LouisTomlinson: I miss you babycakes

HarryStyles: I miss you too swwetcheeks


LouisTomlinson: shit, wrong chat


Chat with LouisTomlinson and HarryStyles

LouisTomlinson: hehe sorry

HarryStyles: no problem lou, I don't really care, I love you sooooooooooooooo much

LouisTomlinson: I love you moreeeeeeeeeeeeeee

HarryStyles: it's impossible.

LouisTomlinson: it's not.

HarryStyles: it is but I need to tell you something

LouisTomlinson: I don't like this

HarryStyles: don't worry, it's not bad if you listen to me

LouisTomlinson: I'm listening... more like reading

HarryStyles: Okey, so... do you remember that I went out with Niall and Liam yesterday right?

LouisTomlinson: mhm

HarryStyles: well, we bumped into Alex

LouisTomlinson: what

HarryStyles: Yeah, and

LouisTomlinson: oh no. Please don't tell me that you cheated on me

HarryStyles: Okey, I'm stupid sometimes but I'm not THAT stupid

LouisTomlinson: uf thank god; then what is it?

HarryStyles: he tried to kiss me; ofc  i didn't, I was a little tipsy but I ONLY LOVE YOU

LouisTomlinson: I love you too. But then what is the problem? If you are not in love with him and didn't even corresponded the 'feeling'. It's alright

HarryStyles: fuck. I love you so much. But anyways, he told me that  he has to come with me and the cast of Dunkirk to Los Angeles next week (remember I told you about that trip) and I asked him why and he said that he works with them now too.

LouisTomlinson: uh.. I really don't like the idea haz but it's not my place to say anything. It's your job and I love you

HarryStyles: I know silly, and I also know that it'll be really awkward for both of us, me going alone with my ex, so... I wanted to ask you something

LouisTomlinson: anything babe

HarryStyles: why don't you come with me?

LouisTomlinson: are you serious?

HarryStyles: Yeah, I mean; I know that you are free for the next 2 weeks and I say 'why not'. And since it'll just be 1 week, we could visit your family the next one. I know that you miss them so much and we already talked about me meeting them so... what do you say?

LouisTomlinson: Harry Edward Styles

HarryStyles: yes?

LouisTomlinson: I fucking love you

HarryStyles: I love you too lou. So is it a yes?

LouisTomlinson: it's an absolute massive yes Hazza. And I really appreciate that you told me about Alex 💚

HarryStyles: yeyy!! And of course I told you Lou! This relationship would be nothing without trust and honesty 💙

And that's when Louis felt bad. He had to tell Harry.


What do you think Louis is hiding?

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