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Simoncowell: louis

LouisTomlinson: wtf do you want now

Simoncowell: we have a problem

LouisTomlinson: what kind of problem?

Simoncowell: your contract

LouisTomlinson: what about it?

Simoncowell: we lost it.

LouisTomlinson: WHAT??

Simoncowell: yeah, and it seems like you have to sign it again because even if we found it, it expired


Simoncowell: whats so funny Tomlinson?

LouisTomlinson: do you really think that
i would sign with you again? Hell no.
Since the contract is over, I can
finally be with the person that I actually WANT.

Simoncowell: Eleanor

LouisTomlinson: no, Harry. Harry Styles. Aka the
most important and beautiful person in the entire
universe. So now, kindly fuck off and let me live
my life. I'll talk with my lawyers tomorrow to see if it's
all okey and I'll never EVER see your face
again. Have a great life dumbass

LouisTomlinson blocked this contact *

Omg it's been a while since my last update but here it is
Those are the final chapters
Okey I'll leave now

Tell me what do you thinkkkkk
All the love

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