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ZaynMalik: broooo did you chose someone yet?

LouisTomlinson: Kind of wby?

ZaynMalik: I chose someone called LiamPayne, he was one of the people who weren't weird and want zouis sex tape hahaha

LouisTomlinson: No shit really? I actually was thinking about HarryStyles because Gigi chose someone named Niall, and they are friends I think. Also he didn't want any Zouis sex tape either so

ZaynMalik: I really don't know why everyone thinks we are dating I mean I'm too much for you Tommo; plus you're dating Elevator

LouisTomlinson: yeah you wish. But yeah, I mean you are with Gigi and I'm with ELEANOR, just because I'm bi doesn't mean I have a crush on you

ZaynMalik: I know, I actually stalked this Liam guy and he seems cool

LouisTomlinson: OHHHHH ZAYNI HAS A CRUSH HUH? I'm more normal tho, I have no idea how this Harry guy looks like

ZaynMalik: I'm straight Lou! And I love Gi, but well they both seem to have our age, so does the Niall kid... I mean. If you want to, stalk him ffs

LouisTomlinson: No! That's weird

ZaynMalik: well then, I'm gonna do it

LouisTomlinson: agh fine

(5 minutes later)

ZaynMalik: shit dude

LouisTomlinson: what

ZaynMalik: he's hot. I mean im straight and with Gigi but damn

 I mean im straight and with Gigi but damn

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ZaynMalik sent a post!

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ZaynMalik sent a post!

LouisTomlinson: SHIT HE IS HOT
LouisTomlinson: I mean, this guy is kind of pretty

ZaynMalik: yeah sure mate, so that's it then? I chose Liam, you chose Harry and Gigi chose Niall?

LouisTomlinson: yup, I think this is it

ZaynMalik: cool... could you post it? I'm tired and I'm going to sleep

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