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Chat with NiallHoran LiamPayne and HarryStyles

HarryStyles: guys, Lou's acting weird again. I tried to talk with him the other day but he just said it was nothing and then avoided me the whole day. I don't know what to do

LiamPayne: I don't know what to tell you mate, why don't you ask Zayn? Maybe he knows something

NiallHoran: I'm sorry H, you don't deserve that. Maybe he's just stressed? I mean he's in a trip with his boyfriend and his boyfriend's ex...

HarryStyles: i don't know, he didn't seemed mad or anything about that; when we were in the same room as Alex, he just looked normal. I don't know what's happening

NiallHoran: I think you should do what liam told you. Talk with Zayn, he's his best friend. If he can't tell you what's happening, at least he'll tell what to do to. Right?

LiamPayne: Yeah, try talk with him and tell us how it goes

HarryStyles: Alright, I will. Thanks guys, love you so much

LiamPayne: love you too m8

NiallHoran: ❤️

Do you think Zayn knows?

If I can I'll update today, if not, tomorrow morning :)
Love you all

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