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HarryStyles: guys, I started filming today 🙃

NiallHoran: do you have photos?...

ZaynMalik: that sounds kinda dirty ni...

NiallHoran: i know, but you know what I mean

LiamPayne: yes, we do

HarryStyles: i have a few photos, wait a sec

LouisTomlinson: we are waiting :)



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(A/n: i know that there's no way he filmed all those scenes in one day, but who cares, he looks good ;))

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(A/n: i know that there's no way he filmed all those scenes in one day, but who cares, he looks good ;))

LouisTomlinson: Jesus Christ god help me, I think I'm dead

ZaynMalik: thanks mate, you just killed my friend

HarryStyles: sorry zee, but Lou, is all that a good thing?


HarryStyles: well thanks 😊

NiallHoran: alright, ignoring louis' probably hard dick; you look good mate, can't wait to see the movie

LouisTomlinson: how do you know that I'm hard?

LiamPayne: you just said it, sorry Lou. But you seriously look great H

HarryStyles: thanks guys I really appreciate it

Chat with LouisTomlinson and HarryStyles

LouisTomlinson: I already have a new wallpaper haz, thanks

HarryStyles: which one?

LouisTomlinson: all of them, first one is the block one, the second is the home one, and the third is my WhatsApp wallpaper :)

HarryStyles: I guess I have a confession too...

LouisTomlinson: what is it?

HarryStyles: I have you as my wallpaper...

LouisTomlinson: do you now? 😏

HarryStyles: yup, so uh I was thinking...

LouisTomlinson: you were????

HarryStyles: haha very funny. May I continue?

LouisTomlinson: please

HarryStyles: uh, would you like to uh go on a second date with me?

(2 minutes later)

HarryStyles: oh god, you don't want to. I'm sorry Louis

LouisTomlinson: Harry no! Of course I want to! I was just surprised that you actually wanted to go on a second date, after I spilled tea all over your shirt on the first one...

What Louis couldn't tell it's that he was doing the dance that chandler  made when he found out he was 'Monica's best sex'

HarryStyles: thank god! I told you it was okey Lou, plus I think it looked weird on me so I'll probably just throw it

LouisTomlinson: please don't, you looked hot with it. Well you look hot in everything but you know what I mean

HarryStyles: Really?

LouisTomlinson: yess

HarryStyles: then I guess I'll have to   surpass it with the next one, don't you think?

LouisTomlinson: I don't think you could look better haz

HarryStyles: Thanks lou, you looked hot as fuck as well :)

LouisTomlinson: I know

HarryStyles: i love your sass

LouisTomlinson: me too

Please read

A/n: hello hello, I'm back hehe

I seriously don't know what I'm writing anymore but I like it

Also, important question

Should I write smut or something? Cuz I'm not sure if it's uncomfortable for any of you and I wanna ask you first
I don't really have a problem but it'll probably be really bad hehe

Anyways, pls let me know

Pd: if I DO smut, don't worry, it won't be this soon :)

Alright, bye!!

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