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The weeks passed and the guys were becoming more close, they talked every day in the group chat and tell each other everything.

HarryStyles: guys I have an announcement

NiallHoran: what is it

HarryStyles: I kinda have a date tonight

LouisTomlinson: what? With who?

HarryStyles: he's name is Lucas and he's a year older

LiamPayne: anddddd is he handsome?

HarryStyles: yup, I'm really excited

LouisTomlinson: that's... great!

Chat with LouisTomlinson and ZaynMalik

LouisTomlinson: Kill me now

ZaynMalik: is this because Harry?


ZaynMalik: I thought things were going somewhere 'you know' with him

LouisTomlinson: yes, we are but since Saturday no, because of the photos with Danielle and all. I think he thought that we were dating

ZaynMalik: But she's just a stunt

LouisTomlinson: SHE IS. I don't know what to do

ZaynMalik: lets just hope this date to be bad

LouisTomlinson: yeah

(After Harry's date)

Chat group with LiamPayne LouisTomlinson HarryStyles ZaynMalik and NiallHoran

HarryStyles: meh

ZaynMalik: what happened?

HarryStyles: i dunno. I mean he was cute and all but it felt more like a friend than a posible boyfriend

HarryStyles: i had fun and all but I don't think I'm THAT attracted to him

LouisTomlinson: you don't?

HarryStyles: no, but he asked me on a second date and I told him I'll think about it so we'll see

LiamPayne: oh, mate I gotta be honest with you, if you didn't like him like that it's okey, but you shouldn't give him false hopes

NiallHoran: I agree with Li, you can't force something that's not in there

ZaynMalik: Yeah, better If you leave it like that. I'm sure someone will come around, maybe he's closer than you think

HarryStyles: Yeah, maybe...

HarryStyles: wby guys? Any lucky girl??? (Except for Zayn and Lou ofc)

NiallHoran: meh not me

LiamPayne: me neither

LouisTomlinson: why me?

HarryStyles: Danielle

LouisTomlinson: what? No no no guys she's just a friend, actually contracted by management

HarryStyles: why would they do that?

ZaynMalik: beard.

LiamPayne: But I thought that's only for famous gays closeted...

NiallHoran: wait Lou are you gay?

LouisTomlinson: bi actually but yeah

HarryStyles; why you never told us?

LouisTomlinson: I dunno

NiallHoran: you know we wouldn't tell anyone right? We are fans, yeah, but we are friend first.

LiamPayne: Yeah, we would never EVER tell anyone if you don't want to

LouisTomlinson: Thanks lads, I know you wouldn't but idk

ZaynMalik: it's just that he already likes someone...

HarryStyles: you do?

LouisTomlinson: I'm gonna kill you Zayn Malik. But yeah, I do

NiallHoran: who is he/she

LouisTomlinson: I can't tell... it's a he tho. But he doesn't fell the same

LiamPayne: did you ask him?

LouisTomlinson: no... but because we are friends. And if he doesn't feel the same (I'm pretty sure he doesn't) it would ruin our friendship

Chat with LouisTomlinson and HarryStyles

HarryStyles: is it Zee?

LouisTomlinson: WHAT?!? NO. Eww

HarryStyles: is it Lima or Ni?

LouisTomlinson: again, ew no

HarryStyles: do I know him?

LouisTomlinson: kinda

HarryStyles: i wanna know more now

LouisTomlinson: well he's sweet and hot as fuck but so kind and it makes me feel so happy; I could talk to him for hours without getting bored. He's perfect, really

Harry couldn't help but feel jealous of the boy, he had Louis Freaking Tomlinson talking about him like he was an angel. He wish he could make Louis feel like that.

Little did he know...

HarryStyles: that's really cool, how did you guys met?

LouisTomlinson: actually... we never saw each other in person, we called a few times and we talk every day. But in person noup

HarryStyles: oh, that's okey

LouisTomlinson: yeah, Hazz I gtg, sound check. Tty later?

HarryStyles: Yeah sure

A/n: i love how Zayn always says something about it. But Harry is clueless

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