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*at the date*

When they got out of the restaurant, Louis took Harry to a secret place; it was absolutely beautiful, the cliff was full with sunflowers and there was a lake on the side. You could see an old house in the other side, probably nobody was living there, the nature had covered the real color of the house and all you could see was the branches with leaves all over them.

"Lou... this is so beautiful, oh god" Harry said without looking at Louis' eyes; he was admiring the place where they were and it was just perfect.

"I'm happy that you like it, because now it'll be easier for me to do this" now Harry turned around and looked at Louis eyes, without knowing what Louis really mean by that

"Harry, I met you through the most stupid thing, I admit that when I saw you, the first thing that I thought was 'breathtaking'. Because you are Harry, and I'm not just taking about your hotness, which is a lot, I'm talking about your personality, you're the most amazing person I've ever met. You can ask my mom about that, she's probably tired of me talking about how much I like you" love you "Harry I seriously would ask you to marry me now because it rimes, but it's a little too soon considering we're not even dating, so I wanna take the next step. Harry Edward Styles, would you be my boyfriend?"

Yup, as you can imagine, Harry was crying. God he could marry Louis right now. He didn't say anything, he just jumped over Louis and kissed him passionately. They haven't had the first kiss yet, and Louis already wanted him to be his boyfriend; Harry must be a lucky guy. At first, the kiss was made with so much passion and desperation, but it soon turned into a sweet and delicate kiss. Of course Louis took the control of it and neither of them complained. They just fit. When it ended it was just because none of them were breathing anymore, and that's when Louis said

"So I guess it's a 'yes'?" Louis tried to hide his huge smile and the butterflies going crazy in his stomach, but failed horribly

"It's an absolute and massive yes Lou" Harry said looking at Louis bright blue eyes

I love you, Harry thought

I love you, Louis thought

They spent the rest of the date cuddling and kissing in the field, looking at each other and the sky

Everything was perfect, neither of them was able to hide his happiness.

Around 1:32 am, they decided that it was really late and Louis took Harry home, the flowers that he had given him were in a vase with water, probably Liam left them there, knowing Harry forgot to and he'll be too sad to see them die

Louis and Harry said goodnight and kissed one more time

They could get used to it

So here is the date!

Hope you like this chapter :)

All the love

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