Pov and HarryStyles

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"Hey Lou, have you seen my br-" Zayn said when he entered to Louis' room. Only to be cut of by himself. "Really Louis? Again? Can you stop looking at his Instagram and talk to him?"

"It's just I-... I dunno, what is he doesn't feel like that? I mean, we have never seen each other in person..."

"Well your show in London is this Friday, so you'll meet him there and-"

"WAIT WHAT? I'm not ready for that! What if he thinks I'm ugly of fat or... or-" Louis was having a panic attack. The smile thought of Harry made him happy, but he was also so nervous to not be what he's expecting

"Lou, calm down, what if he thinks you're a wonderful person, that I'm sure you are, and he actually wants to be with you huh? Did you ever thought about that?" Zayn said knowing he was right

"Well, I guess you're right" Louis said bitting his lips and looking at the floor. "Oh, what did you need? You came looking for something"

"Oh yeah, I don't remember anymore but it's whatever, I'm going out with Gigi, call me if you need anything, 'k?"

"Yeah, have fun Zee! But not too much... I'm watching you! Wait that sounds creepy, forget it. Be safe!"

"I will, bye Lou" Zayn said while getting out of the room, leaving Louis alone with nothing else than thoughts and a new notification

HarryStyles just posted a picture

'Oh yeahhh!! More pics to watch at all day!... that sounded creepy again' Louis thought touching the notification and opening it

 that sounded creepy again' Louis thought touching the notification and opening it

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Liked by Littlelou LouisBum LouisTomlinson and 2,938 more

HarryStyles: hey! @ NiallHoran here! Look at my bestie, he's too cute for this world, I should kill him...


Nialler2.0: aww so cute

Hazzaisloved: stoppppp hes just 🥺🥺🥺

ZaynxGigi: ❤️

LouisTomlinson: what the hell is he doing?
NiallHoran: he was hugging the man because he said that Harry had pretty eyes
LouisTomlinson: aww
Hazzalove: ^
Limapaynovid: ^
Zouis4ever: ^

Harryisafag: agh such a fag! Kys
Haxzaandhiscurls: fuck off

LouisTomlinson NiallHoran Haxzaandhiscurls And 2,390 more blocked Harryisafag

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