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LouisTomlinson: congrats Haz!!! You're gonna nail it!

HarryStyles: thanks Lou, they started filming today but I don't have to go till next week so

NiallHoran: ohh is there any hot guy for you or any hot girl for me??? ;)

HarryStyles: first no, no hot guys. And second, I'm gay I have no idea how a 'hot girl' is like

ZaynMalik: are you looking for someone Harry?

HarryStyles: someone?

LiamPayne: I think he means if you want a relationship, h

HarryStyles: ohh, uh well I like someone but since it's practically impossible; so not really, not

ZaynMalik: is he someone we know?

NiallHoran: Hell Yeah

HarryStyles: ni, I love you but stfu :). But yeah, you know him

ZaynMalik: interesting

Chat with LouisTomlinson and ZaynMalik


LouisTomlinson: he did not

ZaynMalik: uhhh HELLO??? I asked if we knew him and before he could answer Ni said 'hell yeah' and THEN Harry said stfu like if that someone could ACTUALLY REED THE TEXTS


LouisTomlinson: yeah it kinda makes sense

ZaynMalik: Yeah I KNOW

LouisTomlinson: Alright, I'm gonna ask him out

ZaynMalik: FINALLY

LouisTomlinson: btw, how's everything with Gigi?

ZaynMalik: great! She's the best seriously; I'm really lucky to found her

LouisTomlinson: that's great mate! I'm happy for you

ZaynMalik: Thanks, now go get your man!

LouisTomlinson: I will

A few hours later, Louis still didn't know how to ask. Should he say

'hey, Friday, 8pm, what do you say?'

No, Too weird

'Hey Harry, go out with me, please'

No, too desperate

'Hi haz, what if you go out with me?'

No, wtf

Finally he decided to be more normal and he was ready to go for it.

Chat with LouisTomlinson and HarryStyles

LouisTomlinson: Hey haz, I wanna ask you something

HarryStyles: sure, what's up Lou?

LouisTomlinson: please don't freak out, it's totally okey if you don't want to

HarryStyles: tell me Louuu

LouisTomlinson: would you like to go out with me sometime? I mean, it's fine if you don't think it's a good idea but, uh well... yeah

HarryStyles: are you serious? Lou please don't joke about that

LouisTomlinson: yeah I mean it, why? Do you don't want to? Oh shit this was a bad idea fuck, forget I said anything

HarryStyles: oh god no Lou! Of course I want to! I just never thought you could like me in that way

LouisTomlinson: what? Bloody hell Harry! You are gorgeous, funny, kind, hot as fuck, you are literally the most amazing person I've ever met

HarryStyles: oh god Lou, you have no idea how happy I am right now!!

LouisTomlinson: so is it a yes? Would you go out with me Harry Edward Styles aka the most beautiful person in the world?

HarryStyles: Yes lou! Of course I will! When?

LouisTomlinson: this Friday maybe? 8pm?

HarryStyles: sounds great, can't wait

LouisTomlinson: me neither

HarryStyles: i have to go but tty later?

LouisTomlinson: yeah, thanks btw

HarryStyles: for what?

LouisTomlinson: for being you

A/n: Alright sorry if it's too cringily but whatever

By the way, would you like a POV for the date or just keep going like you already know what happened and like give little details or something?

Let me know!



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