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"Fuck, I'm in love"

Yup, that was Louis first thought when he got home after the pre-date. It's just... Harry is... he's just... ahg! HES FUCKING PERFECT AHHHHHHHHHHHHH

They went to the park and then for an ice cream. it was the first time that Louis felt 'normal'; no paps, no fans. Just Harry, the beautiful, beautiful Harry. He made Louis feel safe, secure, loved.


Ahg Louis was so in damn love

Harry wasn't so much different. when he got home, he went directly to the shower thinking about Louis. And... oh for gods sake. He's hard

He helped himself out *wink wink* and then went to his bedroom

I couldn't say that he went to sleep, because that did not happened. Louis happened. He stayed up all night thinking about how perfect that human was. He's screwed. He's in love. Is this bad? Yes, it is. It's too soon. Of course Louis doesn't feel the same.


What if he never does?

What if he never falls for him?

Oh no, no no no no

He didn't wanted to end heartbroken

He cried till 7am and then finally got some sleep

What he didn't know is what was about to happen


I'm mean
I know

Also sorry for the short chapter, I just wanted you to know how insecure Harry is now, and about how screwed are both of them 😉


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