Ch. 1

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Chapter 1 : Waking up


3rd P.O.V

Dream woke up in a peculiar place, a mountain to be exact. He was on top of a mountain laying underneath a spruce tree, he wonders what he was doing there.

Dream tries to remember some stuff but couldn't, all he remembers is his name and that's it. He can't remember a specific event but he remembers some things happening but it was too little to tell, no matter how hard Dream tried he just couldn't remember.

Dream then looked at his hands and his feet, he was floating 1-3 inch above the ground, he opened his eyes widely then came to a conclusion that he was a ghost.

He may have forgotten about things but his brain and intelligence is still on point, the problem was his personality. He was too afraid to go anywhere without meeting any other people, he needed to know if he was the only person in this world or not, he saw a lake near by and went there to enjoy the calmness of nature, by then he feel into his deep day dream.

Somewhere on the woods of a snow biome

3rd P.O.V

Tommy was about to go out with Ghostbur to get some food, ever since he escaped the exile, he's been living with Technoblade on his cottage while Phil is still in his house arrest in L'manberg.

"I'm going out Blade!" Tommy shouted through the door.

"See you later Technoblade!" Ghostbur happily waved his hand while slowly going out of the door with Tommy.

"Yeah yeah, come back soon I still need you guys to do something for me." Techno said in his monotone voice knowing that Tommy can handle himself.


As Tommy and Ghostbur was wondering around, Tommy spotted a lake nearby.

"Ghostbur, you can stay here if you want I'm just gonna fetch us some salmons." Tommy said looking at Ghostbur.

"No no Tommy, I want to come with you! I'll just watch from 3 blocks while you catch us some salmon!" Ghostbur said happily.

They went near the lake and Tommy immediately dove in to catch (*ahem* kill ) some salmons, while Ghostbur was there watching he heard a noise near a tree about 10 blocks away from them. This made Ghostbur curious.

"Tommy! Tommy! I hear a noise over there!" Ghostbur pointed towards an oak wood tree 10-15 blocks away from them.

"Are you sure?" Tommy asked unsure if to believe the Ghost or not.

"Yes I'm sure! Let's go look there! Maybe it's a new friend." Ghostbur stated happily, without waiting for Tommy's response he went to the tree and saw another ghost like him.

"Wait up! Don't go around without waiting for my response Ghostbur!" Tommy said like an angry child.

"Look look! It's a ghost like me." Ghostbur said in a shout whisper.

"Why the f*ck are we whispering all of the sudden? And another ghost? I'm not sure anyone else lost their last canon life aside from you and Jschlatt." Tommy said, also in a whisper.

Tommy then set a look to the other ghost Ghostbur have pointed out and gasped.

"D-Dream?" Tommy managed to choke out in total shock.

The ghost then turns to Tommy titling his head to the young blond, he then floated up to the young blond and asked, "How do you know my name?"

With that statement, Ghostbur realized who this ghost is and gasped at the question he said.

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