[½] Ch. 1

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[½] Chapter 1 : Meet the Egg


3rd P.O.V

"Skeppy?" Bad said as he locks eye contact with the man.

"Why is there an egg?" Skeppy asked.

Bad felt a sudden feeling of hugging Skeppy as he wanted to plead for help, but that was quickly brushed off by the emotion the egg was emitting.

"I'm with my new friend!" Bad said happily pointing at the egg.

"Bad that's not a friend..." Skeppy told Bad as he slowly approached the demon.

"No, you're wrong! You just need to understand him then you'll see that he's a friend!" Bad said as he steps back closer to the egg getting on defensive form.

But Bad's kindness was still overwhelming. It was more powerful than the egg right now, but Bad doesn't realize this.

The egg could only hold Bad as long because he got some power from Nightmare. Sam and Bad went to Dream for help about the egg.

Dream was talking to the egg while the egg found a way to control Bad once more, it leads to Dream's physical contact with the egg and the egg taking power from Nightmare.

"Bad move. I'm going to destroy it." Skeppy said as Bad gets mad.

"NO! I won't let you hurt it!" Bad said pulling out a sword.

"Ant?!" Skeppy yelled as Antfrost appears to backup Skeppy.

"You too Ant?" Bad said with a hint of feeling betrayed in his voice. Bad was defending the egg.

Ant launched towards Bad to get Bad out of the way but fails since Bad was smart to figure out that simple little trick. They seem to have forgotten that Bad is the one who manages most of the strategies they have in Manhunts.

Skeppy then went to the side to break at least one block off the egg but Bad reacted quickly as he stops Skeppy and launched him towards the other corner of the room.

' STOP! ' Bad yelled, it was like he was losing his his sanity bit by bit being driven by the egg but Bad fought back.

Ant attacked Bad as he have a fight with himself and successfully got Bad off the egg's reach.

Skeppy ate a gapple as he pearls to the egg and started mining it.

"NO- ACK!" Bad said as he then felt his head ache.

Ant helped Bad as Bad cries about the head ache. It's like his heart is on his head pounding loudly, it's like something that wants to break out. It hurts.

Skeppy continued to break 3 more blocks until he heard the egg speak.

" I'll give you power. " The egg spoke.

Skeppy's eyes widened. It spoke.

"What makes you think I want power?" Skeppy said fighting the egg now verbally.

" I know everything~ You are a master of chaos Skeppy... Join me and help me take over the server. If you help me achieve my goal them I shall grant you your wish. Power. " The egg said, this thing knows which buttons to push. Even if he did know, Skeppy won't get tempted.

Because of Skeppy's stubbornness the egg pulled out it's vines and grabbed Skeppy.

Ant saw this as he then panicked.

"SKEPPY!" Ant yelled, he wanted to save Skeppy but he's assisting Bad right now and he knows Skeppy will get mad if Bad's aid don't come first.

"TAKE BAD OUT OF HERE!" Skeppy yelled. Ant hesitated but nodded.

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