[½] Ch. 4.5

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[½] Chapter 4.5 : Dream introduces a former god.


3rd P.O.V

Dream was walking around the untouched lands of the SMP. Wandering mindlessly as he walks, and walks, and walks.

"Do we have a specific destination? Cuz you've been walking around for like- forever." Nightmare said boredly. We was eager to do something fun that will not waste time unlike what Dream was doing.

Dream didn't respond and this just raised Nightmare's boredom.

"HEY! Heeeeeey! Are you listening? DREAM!" He yelled but Dream didn't budge.

Nightmare was getting irritated, Dream was stuck in his own little world again. Nightmare had enough and wanted to talk to someone, he went to his Phantom Form and grabbed Dream's wrist.

He tugged it so forcefully that Dream faced him. He then lifted Dream's mask up and locked eye contact.

"Hello!?" Nightmare waved his hand on Dream's eyes.

Dream then snapped out of his daze.

"Nightmare?" He asked oh so innocently, Nightmare got pissed.

"I've been talking to you and calling you and you weren't answering! Where are we going?????" He asked impatiently as he gripped Dream's wrist tightly. Dream let out a loud gasp.

"Hey hey hey- STOP- it hurts- NIGHTMAREEEE-" Dream whined as he tries to pull out of Nightmare's Iron Grip.

"Tell me where you're planning to go and maybe i'll let you go." Nightmare said.

"Okay- ACK- just let me go when I tell you okay?" Dream struggled.

"Yeah, just tell me. I doubt you have a destination to go to since you were walking around mindlessly."

"I was actually gonna go to a friend's house but..." Dream stuttered.

"But what?"

"I think we passed it.... For about... 2 thousand blocks...? Ehehe..." Dream let out a nervous laugh as Nightmare's eyes widened and tighten his grip.


"Oh right, sorry." Nightmare said sheepishly as he lets go and huffs.

"I'm sorry okay- look what you did to my wrist now! It's red!" Dream complained as he tries to blow the pain away from his wrist.

"Well? We should start walking back. It'll save us more time." Nightmare scoffed as he started heading back.

"Wha- WAIT!" Dream yelled as he ran to catch up to Nightmare.

















"This is the place." Dream said as they arrived at a desert.

Nightmare was shell-shocked. How come he didn't see this place when he was... Actually- he wasn't paying attention.

This place was in the middle of the desert, egyptian statues were built in it. It was a huge place, like ancient egyptian structures where all around. The place was huge.

"What the hell is this place-?" Nightmare accidentally blurted out.

"Hahaha, well... He isn't finished with the place yet, but yeah. It's coming along nicely." Dream said admiring the structures.

"Who are we visiting again?" Nightmare looked at Dream.

"Doubt you'll know him, but he was a god. A former God of Death if I do remember correctly." Dream stated smiling.

"God... Of death?" Nightmare's eyes were wide, how did Dream know such a person anyway?

"Yep, pretty sure he was there when I was born or smt. He's pretty old like... Phil..." Dream hesitated. He didn't want to say XD's name. Not after... That. He was quite as old as Phil so it made sense in a way.

"Hmmm... Never knew you were THAT old to know such a person Dream." Nightmare teased, as he smirked like a mischievous child.

"Oh shut up." Dream said as he started to walk through a sandstone path.

Dream stopped at the entrance of the place, he takes in a deep breath and yelled "FOOLISH!? YOU HERE!?"

Nightmare's ears were covered. Knowing how loud Dream could get.

A couple of moments later, Someone came out.

Someone who wore a totem of undying mask, with some kind of egyptian top, golden wings but with a shark hoodie.

"Dream! Haven't seen you in so long!" He cheered as he approached the dirty-blonde admin.

"Long time no see to you too Foolish. By the way, this annoying guy is a Dreamon made from my raw emotions called 'Nightmare' " Dream introduced pointing at Nightmare who pouts because of the introduction.

"A Dreamon? Dream, you know they're dangerous. Are you here to make me dispell the Dreamon?" Foolish asked reluctantly.

Nightmare was shocked, this guy could actually dispell Dreamons? And Dream knows this guy... Does that mean that if Dream wanted to, he could've dispelled Nightmare a long time ago?

"No not that, I just want you to send a message to... Him since I can't really talk to him right now, haha..." Dream let out a apologetic laugh as Foolish understood why.

Nightmare shots a glance at Dream, he doesn't know who this person is not does he know the person Dream wants to send a message to. Did Dream actually not trust Nightmare enough? Even after all the times Nightmare told Dream what would happen or what Nightmare told Dream what could potentially happen.

Dream and XD are... Not in good terms per say. XD got severely disappointed in Dream and because of XD's flaming anger he.... Nevermind.

"Alright, what is it?"

"Tell him that... No matter what he thinks, I will change the date this server will go through. I know he won't stop me since this is all for his entertainment but, without me he can't be entertained now can he?" Dream smirked at the last part.

Foolish doesn't know what it means, he's oblivious to the things that were happening in the SMP. He just retired from being a god of death as well so he doesn't know much about what was happening.

Foolish just nodded, he also offered Dream to come and relax with him for a bit but Dream refused saying that he has some other stuff to do.

He thanked Foolish as he and Nightmare went off to the same Savana biome they were in when they were watching the horizon.

Foolish turned back to head to his temple, went to the main control room. He stepped on the beacon and called for XD.

[½] Chapter 4.5 : Dream introduces a former god.

Total Words : 1134
Next Chapter : [½] Chapter 5 : Plans into Action, Ranboo's sudden outburst.

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