Ch. 6

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Chapter 6 : Reveals and more Reveals


3rd P.O.V

The whole SMP are searching everywhere covering every ground they can, then they heard a ding and checked it.

Jschlatt (Glatt) : He's at my base, Dream I mean and he's asleep. Anyone willing to take him?

They were shocked that Dream was with Schlatt but came to his base, he sent the cords and they went there to pick up Dream.

When they arrived they saw Dream on Schlatt's couch while Schlatt- I mean Glatt, while Glatt was in the kitchen kinda doing something with the protein powder.

"Schlatt, we're here to take Dream." Phil said to the man.

Glatt turned around and walked up to him, he gave Phil some things such as food, gapple, some options and other stuff.

"You'll need these, especially when he freaks out about a memory." Glatt said looking at Phil then at Dream.

"Careful not to wake him."

Phil nodded and picked up Dream, how did he pick up a ghost? Well, ghosts is not really an entity that can go through things like a vex.

Ghosts can physically touch things and hold things like how Ghostbur holds his blue, they're like entities with an invis potion but a little more visible. Using an invis potion makes you just invisible but it can still interact with things, how did you think Tubbo and the others hugged Dream? Well with that out of the way, Phil picked Dream up.

He gave Dream a piggyback ride as Dream was sound asleep.

Phil took Dream back to L'manberg and decided to let Dream sleep at his house. As he came back everyone was there waiting, when they saw Phil they ran up to him and started bombarding him with questions. Thankfully the 'more organized' person stepped in.

"Could you people just stop for a second and look at the state their in? They look tired because they just climbed up a mountain and went down. Let the man rest will you?" Techno said in a really irritated tone.

Everyone backed off, Phil thanked Techno as he proceeded to walk to his house and let Dream rest on his bed.

Philza then heard the door open showing Techno.

"Phil..." He said looking serious.

"I know I know, let's discuss your matter later, people wants to know what's going on and what's going to happen." Phil said standing up brushing is clothes, Techno nodded and walked outside being greeted with people looking at them.

"How is he?" Bad was the first to speak up.

"He's good, pretty calm for now and really peaceful sleeping. Too many noises and running towards that mountain must've taken him all his energy." Phil said assuring Bad. Bad sighed in relief.

"Could someone explain how this whole uhhh-... Situation properly?" Quackity asked awkwardly.

"I'll make it quick. First, Dream died, the cause of his death is unknown that is why were trying to let him regain his memories and gain some info such as clues on how he died. Second, he's more fragile and vulnerable, because off the shouting and fighting they had with Sapnap, George and Quackity he can't stand loud arguing noises or questions being asked all at once. That's what made him run away in the first place. And Third, be more understanding and don't do stupid things until this whole situation is sorted out." Techno said looking- no, glaring at the crowd as most of them gulped.

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