[½] Ch. 2

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[½] Chapter 2 : Karl's Ultimate Meeting with ??

3rd P.O.V

Karl saw the village and was about to approach it. But then his surroundings turned white.

Then before him, an entity appeared. It has 6 wings and a giant ring on its back, having a sky blue robe and black inner clothing. If you look at it, you'll consider it a deity.

"Oh hi! I see you've arrived." The person greeted cheerfully.

"Who..?" Karl said subconsciously.

"Oh! Right right, my bad." The entity clears his throat.

"My name is DreamXD! Or XD for short and not to confuse me with Dream."
XD claims, smiling warmly at Karl.

"Wait... DreamXD? Some kind of counterpart?" Karl asked as the Entity stared at him.

After a couple of seconds later and XD burst into laughter.

"Me? Counterpart of HIM!? HA! That's the stupidest joke I've ever heard from a mortal!" XD said as he calms himself down.

"What... But-"

"He isn't a counterpart of me and neither am I a counterpart of him." The deity claimed with quite an annoyed face.

' Something tells me this dude isn't on good terms with Dream... ' Karl mumbled in his mind as he takes a small step backwards.

"He's just a... Let's say... F-*l^•e" XD claimed darkly as he smile.

Karl couldn't understand what the last part was, XD quite mumbled it.

XD then laughed darkly as he looks at Karl, locking eye contact. His grin grew larger as a certain thought in his mind popped up.

"Anyways! You're the one he sent right?" XD said with quite the mood swing, he's back to being happy.

Karl's daze was snapped as he nods panicked.

"Hahaha! No need to be so panicked! After all, you're just like him " XD mused as his eyes grew darker.

"I just gotta warn you not to mess anything up that can mess the current time. After all, I don't want my entertainment to be... Spoiled." XD said as he snaps his fingers and everything disappears.

Karl was gonna ask something but before he could, he was back at the place he was in. The village.

Karl looked around for a trigger that he might've activated to go to that place, he has a LOT of question for XD. Sadly he couldn't find anything. No trace of anything being there as well. Karl sighed in defeat as he stepped out of the shadows to meet the Villagers.


XD was amused. Dream is planning to bend fate, what a joke.

As if he could, after all... He's growing weaker, that revival of him took a lot of energy. The only way he can sustain is because of the Dreamon. After all, Dream can't live by himself.

XD couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Dream trying to end every single thing in the server.

"Ahh.... Dream, Dream... You never learn do you?" XD whispered to himself.

"But sure! As long as you keep me entertained I might just grant you your nightmare. Hehehe..." The deity chuckled darkly. He goes up to a throne-like chair as he sits on it and spectates the current time of the SMP.

The Egg was making it's move, Dream and Nightmare will merge fully after a couple of days but he's being interrogated by George at the moment. Ghostbur wants to be revived, Phil wants to help, Tommy and Tubbo are planning a confrontation. Things couldn't get any better.

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