Ch. 7

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Chapter 7 : Off to a Bad start


3rd P.O.V


Techno and Phil heard a voice and turned around to see Dream awake.

"Dream! Your awake! How do you feel?" Philza walked up to the ghost.

"I just had a weird dream.... Again" He said mumbling the last part.

"Well do you feel like you just remembered something?"

"No..." Dream said kinda disappointed.

"Well that's fine, here." Philza said giving Dream a potion.

"What's this for?"

"Schlatt said that it's for you, drink it whenever you feel like you remembered something and about to freak out about it." Phil stated.

"If you need more u can give it to you, then you can put it in your ender chest." Philza said softening his gaze towards the admin.

"Thank you."

Techno stated at the two as Phil asked him a few questions, Techno took another look at the book Phil just read. He just analyzed it a little bit, he heard everyone discussing something outside so he decided open the window and eavesdrop.


"Do any of you know what a Dreamon is?" Tubbo asked with a serious look on his face.

They shook their heads no, of course no one would have a clue on what it is. It's never been brought up, the only people who knew about the Dreamon is Sapnap and Bad.

"Is it the thing that Fundy said to me last time when we were chopping dark oak logs?" Bad asked, Tubbo nodded.

"What does the Dreamon have to do with Dream anyways Tubbo?" Sapnap asked looking at the young president.

Tubbo, again took a deep breath before continuing the explanation.

"Well you see... Fundy and I did a ritual to Dream, that's when we encountered the Dreamon. Dream's IQ was 75, He didn't know some things and he felt free." Tubbo started.

"How is that bad?" George asked.

"I was getting there..."

"We showed him around the SMP and asked him some things along the way if he remembers certain structures. After that we went to the final trial to determine if he's a Dreamon or not.

We built a small room and an iron door in front, he walked inside and after 5 seconds he broke the door and started attacking me and Fundy." Tubbo said looking at them.

Tommy was as surprised as everyone else since he didn't know that his best friend knew about these supernatural thing, it's not anything new since it's Tubbo after all but it's still surprising.

"Trust me, that Dreamon wasn't kind." Fundy said in a really serious tone. Seriousness can be seen in his eyes.

 Seriousness can be seen in his eyes

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