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Chapter 12 : Doomsday and Deal


Ghostbur's P.O.V (1st person)

I was floating around the SMP just minding my own business. I was worried about Dream, they said that the Dreamon is manipulating him again and Dream tried to touch the water when he was still a ghost. Not just that but Dream also looked at Tommy's suicide dirt tower when I came with him on the exile island...

I'm really worried, I can't shake off this feeling that something more will happen...

As I float around I saw people, multiple people near at the community house. There was a commotion so I got curious and approached it. As I approach the community house I saw two enderpearls fly out of it.

This gave me an uneasy feeling so I rushed towards the community house. Then I heard people talking.

"-Dream...That wasn't the Dreamon..." Is what I heard.

My eyes widened with the mention of the name "Dream".

Was that the enderpearls earlier? Was Dream here?

"Dream...?" I said as they turned their faces towards me.

3rd P.O.V

Everyone turned to look at Ghostbur who was standing there with confused face.

"What's with Dream?" Ghostbur asked.

"Ghostbur..." Tommy said as he approached the ghost.

"Why were you talking about Dream? And why was there two enderpearls thrown out?" Ghostbur said really suspicious of them right now.

"Ghostbur listen... Dream... I don't think he's the Dream you knew when he was a ghost. He... He's different." Tommy said as he holds his breath for a moment.

"No... Your wrong... You're just misunderstanding him again!" Ghostbur agrued.

Sapnap and George then realized that Ghostbur is right. They might be misunderstanding him again... Again...

"But Ghostbur! He's planning to destroy L'manberg tomorrow! WITH TECHNO!" Quackity said.

Ghostbur was shocked, he didn't want to believe it. He didn't want to be like them who misunderstands people, he got a feeling that there's something more that is happening here.

"You're wrong... You- you're just not understanding his reasons-" Ghostbur said trying to convince them.

"I'm sorry Ghostbur..." Tubbo said.

Puffy looked at him and hugged him.

"It's okay Tubbo... We'll stop them..." She whispered to his ear as she pays Tubbo.

Ghostbur was there. He didn't know how to react. He was... Shocked? No... He wanted to trust Dream but another part of him doesn't.

He doesn't know how to react.


Dream and Techno's pearls lands on the place near L'manberg tower.

"Great act." Techno praised.

Dream looked at him then looked at the ground.

"Thanks..." Dream said as he smiled sadly.

"By the way, we gonna blow up L'manberg tomorrow? Isn't that quite a big plan?" Techno asked Dream looking at him.

Dream looked at Techno.

"I know I said we'd do it next week but I just can't wait that long anymore." Dream said looking into the distance of the horizon.

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