Ch. 2

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Chapter 2 : The Talk

3rd P.O.V

Ghostbur and Dream were inside Ghostbur's room, Dream was sitting on Ghostbur's bed even though he's floating above it a few inches high.

Ghostbur is going through his chests and ender chest to see if he has a book and a quill. A bit of searching later he found some, he then floated over to Dream.

"Here, you may not remember some specific events but you might be able to remember some fragments of an event!" Ghostbur happily explain while handing the book and quill to Dream.

"Write some things or fragments you remember and maybe we can help with it!" He then sat next to Dream, Dream looked up to him then looked at the book and started writing.

While Dream is writing some fragments of his memories Ghostbur started to hum the L'manberg anthem.

With Tommy and Techno

3rd P.O.V

"So how did you find him exactly?" Techno started.

"Well I was hunting some salmon on the lake while Ghostbur was watching, Ghostbur later on told me that he heard something. I thought it was a joke but when we went to check, we found Dream scribbling things on the ground with a stick all ghosty and sh*t." Tommy explained.

"He said that he woke up on the top of the mountain under a spruce tree." Tommy added.

Techno stays silent a little bit thinking what could've happened to the admin, knowing the guy he wouldn't go down so easily unless he either wanted that or outnumbered. The thought of Dream commiting suicide gives Techno a chills because he never could've thought that his rival was to kill himself. He felt pity for Dream but he still considered the fact that he was outnumbered or overpowered. He didn't want to simply believe that his rival would kill himself, not until Techno finds a valuable reason for it.

"Did you ask him what he remembers?" Techno asks looking to Tommy.

"Well nothing in particular, we only asked if he remembers is and if he remembers how he died." Tommy said also looking at Techno then looking at the ground.

While the two were talking to each other, the door busted showing Ghostbur with a book.

"GUYS! Here! These are the things or fragments that Dream remembers!" Ghostbur says giving the book to Techno for him to read out loud.

Dream then shows behind Ghostbur a little later still quite shaken up by Techno's gaze.
Techno started reading the note out loud.

"What I remember :
Houses, tons of them then walls
Discs? Fighting, lots of violence
Withers and TnT
Castles and kings
Gaining injury from a... Pig???"

Tommy was holding his laugh, snickering and snorting. He's doing his best guys don't- just don't. Ghostbur didn't know what was funny since Techno is a pig after all and Dream was just staring at them.

Techno was glaring at Tommy, because of this it makes Tommy wanna burst out laughing and a couple of seconds later he did.

Techno was glaring at Tommy, because of this it makes Tommy wanna burst out laughing and a couple of seconds later he did

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