Ch. 5

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Chapter 5 : WHAT!?


3rd P.O.V

Almost everyone have arrived, the only ones missing are Techno's group. As they were waiting they asked Tommy the reason for this sudden gathering.

"I told you, we'll tell you once everyone's here." Tommy said getting annoyed at the repeated question by the people.

A moment later, Techno's group came in with a Philza having duct tape on his mouth. Everyone looked at the three, some we're gonna laugh and some we're just confused.

"Well don't ask, he was kinda annoying me with all his sarcastic talk because I don't visit him." Techno said looking around, eyes landing on Tommy and the others.

He then told Ghostbur to stay there with Philza as Techno approached Tommy.

"Are you sure about this?" Techno whispered. Tommy just nodded.

"Alright everyone! Since we're all here we'd like to ask you some things. It concerns the server so please answer truthfully." Tubbo started.

"When was the last time you've seen Dream?" Tubbo ask straight to the point, as they answered.

"Last month ago, he doesn't come on often and if he does it'll most likely be when nobody's around." Ranboo stated.

"I saw Dream just a couple of weeks ago, I think he went into a forest. I'm not sure." Bad said, he was kinda worried why this question was brought up.

"Well I saw Dream last war when we beat Schlatt." Karl stated.

"Last time was like- 2 weeks ago. We were discussing plans for the manhunt." Antfrost said.

"It's been a while that I can't remember but we did discuss things concerning L'manberg." Puns admitted.

"Last week on Tuesday I saw him in a dungeon, it was a weird dungeon though. It had like- 3 spawners, must be 3 dungeons in one and the mobs were spawning like crazy." Niki said.

"Wait... Dungeon? How?" Tommy asked.

"Well I was walking around a cave because I wanted to find some ores for my currency on my bakery, I kinda bumped into Dream." She said.

Techno took this as another hint for Dream's death which makes it clue number 2. For Tubbo and Fundy this also makes clue number 2.

"So the latest sight of Dream was a week ago... How about George and Sapnap?" Tubbo asked looking at the two, Quackity felt his sweat dropped since he knew what happened between the trio.

"We last saw him after he exiled Tommy." Sapnap said without a second of hesitation.

Tommy and the others found it weird especially Techno, why would they say that like it's not a big deal when almost everyone here is getting a hint of where this gathering is going?

"Alright then... Next question, did anything happen to Dream? Between someone or something?" Tubbo asked. Tommy, Tubbo, Techno and Fundy was not prepared for the explanation but they needed it.

"Not that I can think of no." Punz said having his hand on his chin still trying to think about the question.

"The latest thing that has happened is Tommy being exiled I think." Karl said looking at the blond teen. Tommy nodded.

"I don't know... We haven't talked in a while." Eret said with a quite saddened tone.

Ghostbur removes the tape on Phil's mouth so he could answer.

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