[½] Ch. 6

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[½] Chapter 6 : Plans into Action, Ranboo's sudden outburst 2/2

(Did I stutter?)


3rd P.O.V

"Nightmare." Dream called out.

Nightmare hummed in response.

"I'd like for you to do something... When we're at the bunker."

Nightmare tool quite a while before responding because- Dream? Wanting NIGHTMARE to do something for him? Well this is a first.

"Awwww, little Dreamy have some request for lil ol' me?" Nightmare teased with his puppy-dog eyes.

"Tease me like that and I might change my mind." Dream threatened.

"Okay okay! Was is it that you'd like to ask of me?" He said pretty defeated.

"Take over for me will you? I know how good you are at taunts, like how you did with George." Dream said as he stands on this grass that's pretty orange-brown.

"Ahhh sure!" He said happily. If he gets too into the moment though then the chances of him giving Dream back the control was slim.

"I want you to kill them. Break their trust. I know you can do a better job at that than me. After all, you did the same to me." Dream said.

"So basically, you do the planting of the idea and I do the watering! This'll be FUN!" Nightmare giggled in excitement.


"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Ranboo yelled furiously.

Everyone shut their mouths, they've never seen the enderman hybrid get so frustrated before. Well... Not frustrated but mad.

"You ALL have been arguing ever since Dream was a ghost!" He started.

"Sure! Dream have done some wrong things here and there but listen to yourselves! YOU ALL ACT AS IF YOU'VE NEVER DONE A BAD THING IN THIS SERVER!" Damn Ranboo was mad.

Ranboo lets out a bitter laugh, "Let's all be honest here, Dream isn't the only one that deserves to be in prison and yet you all are talking like he does! For one, I think Quackity deserves to be in prison!-" Quackity was about to yell back as Ranboo quickly cuts him off, "-He manipulated Tubbo onto hunting Technoblade and tried to manipulate him by killing be during a festival!"

"How about Tommy or Sapnap? They also deserve to be in prison because THEY were the reason for the very first disc war!" He yelled eager to get this message into their thick heads. But their heads are thicker than expected.

"But Ranboo, Tommy is a minor! A child!" Puffy said, Tommy let out a small whine.

"Doesn't matter, none of it matters. How about Wilbur then? He dragged CHILDREN, Tommy, Tubbo and a teen Fundy, into war for a country!" He argued. Puffy was silenced.

"This is all bias if I say so, people do whatever they want to Dream's server then they blame the problems to the owner? Or what about age? Children or teenagers aren't allowed to be punished for what they have foolishly done because they're young? Damn you guys lack discipline and common sense more than I thought." He laughed again but this time, it was filled with venom. As if he were spitting out poison.

"Also, don't forget that during the very first wars Sapnap and Dream were still in their teens. So Tommy and Tubbo aren't the only ones who fought wars when they were teens." Punz added glaring hard rock at Puffy.

"Have we also all forgotten that it was TOMMY's fault he got exiled? I mean, sure that treatment was quite harsh, he was manipulated to be Dream's friend but remember that he burned George's house down. The current KING of the SMP at the time." He said pretty sarcastically. He was releasing small purple particles, too small for any of them to notice.

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