Chapter Six: Work

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As Keptner lead Sean and Lucas down into The Base floor Director Hansen followed at the feet, there was no speaking until the large metal door that lead to The Base floor was closed behind them. Sean and Lucas watched as four guys walked out into the hall, looking up the stairwell they all smiled.

"Holy shit...Sean." A man with fluffy black hair crossed his arms, " guys are alive."

Sean smiled, "Grey! Clark...Hank,'re all here."

"We were already in the bunker when the bombs hit. We thought..." Grey sighed, "I thought you guys were dead."

"No...almost...I'm exhausted." Sean nodded, he looked over at Lucas.

"Let's have a seat, I'll explain." Director Hansen gestured toward the room to the left. They began to walk in when Keptner grabbed Lucas's arm, leaving them along in the hallway.

"That girl." Kept shrugged, "You brought her here?"

"Bombs were dropping, what was I supposed to do?" Lucas shook his head, "Leave her behind?"

"You broke contract." Kept looked down at the ground, he crossed his arms and sighed, "I really hope Hansen doesn't find out."

"Will he?" Lucas eyed Kept, he clenched his jaw and crossed his arm as well. They starred at one another, both stern, until Director Hansen called out for them to join them in the other room.  

As they walked in Director Hansen nodded, "Good. Now, as you all are aware by your contract's you were guaranteed a spot in this bunker in exchange for work. Although this isn't how things originally were supposed to go." Hansen's eyes seemed to drift away as he spoke, "I am the only one that made it to the other officials got here in time. I have a maintenance team and guards, and a doctor. That's it." The group of men sat around, watching the man, "There are many things that will take place...I need order. I need help." Director Hansen looked over to Kept, "We have discussed what needs to be done to finish securing the bunker. You and your men will work on that."

"What about the people in the Mess Hall?" Lucas stepped forward, "What happens to them?"

Director Hansen nodded, "I have plans. None of which are your concern."

Lucas shook his head, "I am concerned."

"You shouldn't be," Kept spoke up, "That's above us. Hansen will take care of those people. We will take care of ours."

Lucas shook his head, but before he could speak Sean stepped up, "Understood...right Luke?"

Lucas took a deep breath, he pictured Claire alone upstairs, he clenched his jaw, "Right."

Director Hansen nodded, standing up and rubbing his hand together, "I have work to do," He looked over to Lucas, "We all do."

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