Chapter Ten: Nerves

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Lucas looked around, all of a sudden unsure of what to say, nervous that it would be the wrong thing. Eventually it came to him as he watched a small yawn escape her lips, "I'll take the can sleep in my bed."

"Lucas..." Claire was staring at the floor, she took a deep breath, "Can..." Lucas looked at her softly, almost admiring her, "...can you lay with me?" Claire finally looked up and caught his eye, "I know that weird, I just...I don't want to be alone."

"Neither do I." Lucas nodded, motioning toward his bedroom. As he followed her in and closed the door gently there was a feeling in his chest, a feeling of warmth. After a deep breath he turned to see Claire standing over his desk, "Oh..." He walked over, quick to grab his sketch book but her hands were quicker, scooping the book into her hands. Lucas grew nervous, watching her flip through the books, knowing she would stop on a certain page, which she did, her eyes softened and she actually smiled as she looked down.

"That's me," She looked up, her eyes sparkling in the dimly lit candle Lucas finally managed to light, "This is great Lucas."

"Uh, thanks," Lucas smiled back at her, "I've been drawing since I was a kid...when I saw you in the car earlier...I couldn't get you out of my head."

Claire looked down at the drawing again, "You even got my freckles."

"Couldn't forget those," Lucas smirked. 

Claire set the book back onto the desk gently, she ran her hand across it smoothly, Lucas stood idly by and watched her, admiring her expressionless face in the moment, surly deep in thought. With a slow, steady breath, Claire turned to face Lucas, "This is..."

"Weird," Lucas didn't interrupt her, he only added to her thought, "You know...I can't put it into words. I didn't wake up this morning thinking my world would change." Lucas was looking at her, and although she thought he was talking about the bombs, Lucas may be been reaching deeper than that.

"I just keep thinking about my father, my friends." Claire blinked, holding back the water fighting to escape from her eyes, "I can't stop thinking about what is happening up there..."

Lucas took a slow, deep breath, then headed over to his bed and pulled back the blankets. Claire watched him, she crossed her arms and walked over slowly, crawling into the bed after him. It was true, neither of them really wanted to be alone. Although Lucas had people, Claire didn't, and Lucas was the only thing familiar in this new metal world. Lucas watched as she pressed her head back into the pillow, she stared up at the ceiling, her green eyes flickering from the candle's flame. Lucas was laying on his side, facing her, until suddenly she rolled toward him, and in a motion they both seemed to understand, he rolled to his back so she could rest her head against his chest. Lucas's hand gently resting against her back, he could feel her shivering, though he didn't know if it was due to temperature or nerves. Claire placed her hand on his chest near her face, feeling it rise and fall in a steady rhythm. Under her hand she could feel his muscles, she shivered a bit, as it was only now the thought really hit her that they were lying in bed together. It wasn't exactly that she was nervous in a bed way, but because it was new and...exciting.

They were quiet for a long time, so much so one thought the other had fallen asleep, but Claire broke the silence, not knowing if she would receive and answer, "Shouldn't we put the candle out?"

Lucas looked over at the nightstand, seeing the flame still burning, he nodded, "Yeah, probably."

Although he fully planed on taking care of it, Claire already was sitting up to blow the flame out. As she turned to lay back down, their eyes caught each other, and Claire felt herself breaking. Lucas noticed the water building up in her eyes, and was quick to react, sitting up and reaching out to take her face in his hands. The warmth that hit her as he touched her skin helped, but the tears were already falling. Claire shook her head, letting him pull her to him so she could cry against his chest until she fell asleep. 

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