Chapter Eighteen: Jake

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***WARNING: Attempted rape in this chapter. Trigger warning***

Lucas made his was up the the 4th Floor Living Quarters, Keptner was no where to be found, but Hank waved him over once he way him. Hank was an older man, he knew how to do electric very well and had worked with Kept since he started his business. "Lucas, I'm almost done with the runner lights. Can you assist Grey down the hall? He's welding on the last few air ducts."

"Sure thing." Lucas nodded and made his way down the hall. The area was coming together, some of the people who would be moving in here tasked with putting the furniture in the rooms. It was simple with a bed, nightstand, and dresser. It all seemed like simple things from IKEA. Where as the furniture in The Base Floor seemed like antiques, things found around the city for cheap, even perhaps free. Lucas liked the things in his room though, it was a big upgrade from a mattress on the floor in his city apartment.  

The day went on slow, Lucas and the guys had lunch delivered from The Mess Hall. Though it wasn't as much of a pleasure as it was yesterday. As the day dragged on for Lucas, Claire was finding it was flying by. Practicing made her happy and the last few people were coming by for their physicals. By the time it was 8:00 PM, Doctor Hines was finishing up with his last patient and Claire was waiting for hers. Once he was done, he walked toward her and smiled, "Looks like we're done for the night."

"Not me, I'm waiting on one last patient." Claire gripped the tablet in her hands. 

Simon nodded, "Well, you can head out when you're done. I've got a meeting with Director Hansen."

"Another?" Claire looked up as she asked.

"Yes, morning meetings, then night ones. It is very important to keep him in the loop of everything." Simon smiled, "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, night." Claire looked back down at the tablet, she realized someone was walking in when Doctor Hines was walking out. Claire looked up to see Jake, one of the guards she had met, "Hey."

"Reporting for my physical," He smiled, "Where do you want me?"

"You can take you shirt off and sit on the bed over there, I'm just submitting my last patients info." Claire tapped on the screen as Jake pulled his black jacket off, then his shirt. After he sat down he watched her, admiring her figure. Claire finished up and walked over toward him, smiling, "Ok, Jacob Arwell. Age?"

"Twenty-three." He smiled, "You?"

"I'll ask the questions Jake," She smiled lightly, "Blood type?"

"B neg." Jake rubbed his arm lightly, leaning back, "You know, you're eyes are really pretty."

Claire looked over at him, "Thank you." She poked at the tablet again, "Do you smoke? Drink?"

"Yes and yes," Jake nodded, "Love whiskey."

"Right," Claire looked over at him as she finished up the questions and began to check his lungs. 

"Your hands on warm," Jake's comments started to make her feel uncomfortable. It's not that she wasn't use to getting hit on by patients, it had happened before, but at least at the hospital there was always someone else around, a nurse or another doctor, but this time she was alone. "Any doctor I've ever had has had cold hands."

"Lungs sound...ok," Claire listened, "Take another deep breath for me." As he did she could tell his lungs were not very strong, "How long have you smoked for?"

"Since I was fourteen." Jake said it like he was proud of the fact.

"Well, it may be catching up with you, are you long winded after going up and down the stairs?" Claire asked.

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