Chapter Five: The Waiting Game

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As the large doors were clasped shut, the echo of yelling and scared cries billowed through the room while people were hoarded away from the doorway. Lucas helped Claire up as she had fallen to the ground as the door closed. Claire starred at the door and sucked in air as the room shook, something outside crashed. Shock, fear, Claire didn't know what to do, she just held tight to Lucas's hand and watched the door as he helped her up. "No..." Her voice shook, so low he hardly heard it, but when he looked over at her he saw her eyes watering and pulled her close to him without a thought. Claire stared at the door, her body felt numb.

After a long moment a voice echoed over the crowed, "We have to get away from the door

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After a long moment a voice echoed over the crowed, "We have to get away from the door. Follow me." The large group was lead down a long stairwell, Lucas pushed Claire away from him just enough to look at her, it took a moment, but she finally peeled her eyes from the door and looked up at him, slowly nodding as he squeezed her hand and lead her down the stairwell along with the crowd.

The room grew wary as more people were brought in, shoulders began to touch, strangers starred into one another's eyes with fear. It was obvious there was too many of them, clear that those in charge were not really clear on how to handle what had just taken place. Lucas watched as guards whispered to one another, how they glanced around the room with shifting eyes. If there was something he could pride himself in, it was the art of consciousness.

As Lucas scanned the room Sean was panicking, "Where is Keptner? Did you see him?"

"No." Lucas shook his head, beside him Claire was staring at the ground, her eyes wide as she tried to slow her breathing. Everything happened so fast. Nevah had been right there, she could still feel her hand pressed into her own, but visually...nothing was there.

"Oh my God." Claire spoke softly, water began to bubble in her eyes as she starred at her bare hand. Meanwhile her other hand had yet to leave Lucas's. Ever since he took it upstairs, neither of them let go of one another. So when she began to quiver, he felt it.

Quickly he looked over at her, seeing the tears flow down her soft pale skin, "Hey..." His voice was low, but not where she couldn't hear him, "Claire?"

Claire shook her head, " she was right there..." Claire's voice began to shake, even with how soft she spoke. For a moment she felt numb, like nothing could penetrate the ground she was sinking into, until she felt Lucas squeeze her hand. Gently she looked up at him, slightly turning to face him. When their eyes lock she felt everything hit her at once, she let out a fast breath and began to sob, "No!" The curl of her voice, the strain she pressed into her cry made Lucas step forward, he dropped her hand and quickly took her by her waist, pulling her close to him.

It didn't matter that only a couple hours ago he had no idea she existed, it didn't matter that the only thing they had to go off was forty minutes of a conversation, what mattered was there was no one else here for her. What mattered was he was all she had in the moment, the only familiar thing from the world above, even if it was only for a short time, he was going to be there for her.

"Hey..." He spoke low, pushing her lightly away so he could see her face, "Claire...I'm so sorry." Lucas felt responsible for her friend, he told them both to follow him, that he could help them, and then he lost her.

Claire looked at him, her eyes were shaky and wet, but he could feel her as she looked into his eyes, "She's gone..."

"I..." Lucas reached up to touch her face, when his palm graved her skin he could feel how cold she was, how soft her cheek felt, "I want to change it..." Claire didn't reply, she was still in shock, still shaken, but when he touched her she felt herself relax into his hand, her eyes closed and she sucked in a staggered breath. After she let out air, she opened her eyes to find him staring at her soothingly, "You're cold." Claire nodded.

"Lucas." They both looked over at Sean, but Sean wasn't looking at them, he was staring ahead at a few people walking into the room, one of them being Keptner, "Lucas...what is happening?"

Lucas watched the men look around, they looked stressed but serious. Once Keptner's eyes landed on Lucas and Sean, he leaned over to the man standing beside him. The man was all, almost at tall as Kept, but he was older, more stern in his eyes as he locked with Lucas.

 The man was all, almost at tall as Kept, but he was older, more stern in his eyes as he locked with Lucas

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When they started toward them, Claire stepped back from Lucas, but they kept their hands locked. As they approached Kept nodded at the guys, "This isn't how things were supposed to go. least you're all here."

"All?" Sean stepped forward, "Clark...Hank?"

"They're all here. They all made it." Kept nodded, "This is Director Hansen. He is...was the Director of the Museum. This bunker..."

A hand landed on Kept's shoulder, the man, Director Hansen, stepped forward, "Not here Keptner."

Kept nodded, his blue eyes shifted, "Right..." He looked at Lucas, "We're going to The Base floor. We can talk there."

Claire looked up at Lucas, "Wait..."

Lucas looked from Claire, to Hansen, back to Keptner, "Wh..."

"Just you and Sean," Kept looked over to Claire, "I'm sorry...we've never met?"

"I..." Claire started.

"She's my friend," Lucas nodded, "I'm not leaving her up here along."

"I'll watch over your...friend," Director Hansen smirked, "I'll watch over everyone in this room."

Lucas looked over to Claire, she nodded, "It's fine."

"I'll find you," Lucas squeezed her hand, he watched a small smirk appear on her face, "I promise."

The way Lucas was looking at her, it was like the room was empty again, just them. Claire nodded, looked over at Keptner, then back to Lucas, "I know."

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