Chapter Four: Dinosaurs

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The Space Exhibit had always been one of Claire's favorites. When she was little and her father would bring her here on weekends, because he was fascinated with space and all the unknown. It was one of the reasons she wanted to work in the field. Remembering the way his sick face lit up when she told him her major, it would always make her feel better to know how proud he would be of her.

"Earth to Claire, you're not writing anything. Give me that, here, you take the photos." Nevah pushed a camera into her hands while pulling the notebook away from her.

"We aren't supposed to take photos here..." The look on her friend's face read that she didn't care. Not that anyone would really notice them taking photos, but Claire wasn't one to break the rules.

"Play that dumb tourist girl if they yell at you. You're cute and they will just give you a warning." Nevah shifted her weight from one leg to another. while scribbling onto the paper.

Claire cocked her head sideways, fiddling with the camera strap, "I was born in Manhattan."

Nevah shrugged and started to walk toward a stand with a map of the Solar System on it.

Claire rolled her eyes playfully while turning around and snapping a couple photos. Nevah reached into her pocket and poked Claire in the back.

"Hey! Lucky us. Look over there." Her long, well-manicured, hand pointed toward the entryway. The handsome blonde guy from earlier at the cross-walk was entering the room with a shorter male. For a moment Claire was surprised, but Nevah interrupted her thoughts.

"Here, take this to him," She pulled the lighter he had given her out of her hot pink purse and shoved it into Claire's hand, "And ask if he's single. If not...ask his friend."

"Um, why me?" Claire turned to her.

"Because he totally checked you out through my window." Nevah shrugged, "And besides, you need some more than I do."

Claire began to protest, but Nevah waved at him in an attempt to grab his attention. Lucas was skimming the crowd to find the maintenance door since they had to repair one of the water pipes. As he glanced, he watched a woman waving at him, it didn't take him long to recognize her as the girl from earlier. Claire sighed as he noticed his eyes land on them, Nevah pointed at her before walking in the opposite direction.

Lucas nudged Clark, "I'll be right back." He made his way toward the area he last saw the woman, finding the passenger walking toward him. The girl was a bit shorter than him, her red hair pulled back into a ponytail. Lucas found himself taking her in, the slight curve of her lips as she smiled politely at him.

"I'm so sorry. My friend wanted me to return this to you." The girl's voice was soft and song like, she held out the lighter he wasn't expecting to see again. Lucas noticed her nails were painted, but it was chipping away.

"Thanks." He took the cheap Bic lighter back and chuckled, "Saves me a trip to the gas station."

Claire smirked as well, trying not to take in his infectious laugh. Also trying not to be awkward, but after she spoke she knew she failed. "Right, I'm sure you needed it anyways. Nevah, she always loses hers and steals someone else's....which is why we are standing here now."

Lucas looked at her, smiling at the assumption she made. Although it wasn't her fault, she didn't know him. "No no, I don't smoke. Filthy habit, no offense to your friend and all. I use it for pastels and charcoal."

Taken back a bit, she somehow felt even more embarrassed, then immediately felt bad about her assumption. "Oh. I'm sorry. And no, you're right. Smoking is a filthy habit. My aunt died of lung cancer. So I always urge Nevah to quit."

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