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You sighed as the harsh noises from your alarm stirred you. You hadn't had much sleep, you always tended to stay awake the night before an important day. And today, well, you'd been working so hard for the past 7 years to get here. You deserved this, you told yourself, as you went for a shower.

You walked into the kitchen and took in the state of it. Cups and mugs were everywhere with plates piling up in the sink. You called out to your roommate, this was her fault after all. You had been so busy with preparing for today that you had no time for any home cooking, the local pizza delivery man becoming a close friend.

She didn't respond, probably still asleep, or not even home. You never knew what she was doing anymore, and you weren't that bothered. You just had to focus on yourself for a while.

You walked back to your bedroom and dried your hair and picked out your outfit. You needed to make a good impression, right? You had dreamt of having this job for so long, and you were not going to ruin it by dressing poorly.

You finally decided on a navy blazer and matching trousers, with a plain white top. Definitely wasn't worth the past 20 minutes you had spent rifling through your wardrobe (with most of your clothes ending up chucked across your room), but you looked good. You applied concealer and mascara before getting everything ready to go, including your go bag. You were pretty sure you weren't going to need it today, but you never knew with the BAU.

You set your things down in the passenger seat of your car and turned on the radio as you pulled out of the car park. It felt like any other day. The same birds calling out to each other, the same smell of the bread from the bakery opposite, even some of the same people walking up and down the street. But today was different. It was your first day as an FBI agent in the BAU, and despite everything else seeming exactly the same as yesterday, and even the day before that, you knew today would be incredible. This was what you had been dreaming of for the last 7 years, and you were going to make the most of it.

It wasn't a long drive to the Headquarters, but the traffic was awful. The radio was cutting out, so all you heard was that it was the 2nd of November 2014. Wow. As if you hadn't had that date marked in your calendar ever since the possibility of your transfer arose.

Signs for the Headquarters started to appear on the side of the road, and you gripped the steering wheel as you felt your stomach turn. What if you weren't good enough for this? Sure, you'd had all the training, and you'd even had some personal experience, but nothing compared to them, right? You couldn't remember much about them, but you knew they were good at their job. Some of them had been at the BAU for decades. There was even that agent with the eidetic memory, if he was still there. You couldn't compare to that. This was stupid. You considered pulling over and phoning in sick, but ultimately decided against it when you saw a text from your roommate.

'Good luck! Sorry I stayed over at a friend's last night, would've loved to see you before you started. Hope it goes well.'

Yes, that text, even from your roommate who you hadn't had a proper conversation with in months, changed your mind. You could do this. They knew you weren't going to know everything, they would help you. You could do this. You could.

You pulled into the parking lot and found your way to the elevator. You'd never been in this part of the building before. It was so busy, with agents rushing everywhere and so much noise.

The elevator doors opened and you saw it right in front of you. The bullpen of the BAU, the Behavioural Analysis Unit. You stepped out of the elevator and walked towards the glass doors. Well, no going back now.


hi! sorry this is so short, it's just an introduction i guess. i've been wanting to write a fanfic for so long and finally came up with an idea for one, so i'm so excited to share this with you and i hope you enjoy!

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