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you spent new year's with the team after your flight was cancelled. reid was on the phone arguing about his mom with a doctor, so you were quick to distract him and brought him up to the party morgan was having. he started telling you about how much you mean to him, and even went to kiss you, both times being interrupted by garcia. you promised each other that you would, another time.


It was exactly two weeks since New Year's, and you and Reid's almost kiss. You'd had two cases since then, one in Arizona and another in Florida, and you hadn't had much time to talk to him, you'd both been so busy. When he wasn't working, he was on the phone to his mom's doctor. You wanted to talk to him, and bring up what happened, but you could never find the right time. It was making you quite sad, if truth be told.

However, at least some things had worked out. The other team members had completely forgotten about what you and Reid were up to that night, even Hotch. You did suspect that he secretly just didn't want to even think about it. You were most worried about Garcia, however. She was the one who had seen you and Reid about to kiss, and the only one who had seen him opening up about his feelings for you. You'd pulled her aside one night and asked her how much she could remember, and you were delighted to hear her reply. "My love, I remember going up to the roof and then waking up the next morning. Whatever you and pretty boy did or didn't get up to, is news to me."

You were surprised she was so calm about it, however. You'd known Garcia for three months now, and she didn't seem the type to be so secretive about a potential office romance, or whatever this was. You had an inkling that she didn't want to pry, so she could protect Reid. It was evident she cared about him.

To recover from the two brutal cases you'd just had, Garcia had invited you, Prentiss and JJ round for a girls night, and you were looking forward to it. You felt so comfortable with them now, and were looking forward to being with them away from work. You'd all been so stressed. Garcia had even snapped at Morgan a few times, and you knew how much she hated going against him.

You'd worn a beige jumper and blue jeans, nothing fancy. This was the perfect opportunity for you to relax, forget about work, and not think about Reid. He wasn't on the itinerary tonight.

Or so you thought.

The four of you had definitely worked your way through most of Garcia's food and wine by now, and Prentiss turned the conversation to you.

"So, Y/N. Let's talk. You, and romance. How does it go, generally speaking?" Prentiss asked, and you felt Garcia and JJ turn themselves to look at you. The four of you were sat in a circle on Garcia's floor. Not the most comfortable of places, all of you would admit, but you weren't bothered by that right now.

"Okay, well, I don't know how I feel about turning 31 this year and only having been in one serious relationship. Over the past few years getting this job has been my priority and I really didn't have time for anyone else. Side note, not many men are willing to deal with me having breakdowns at the most random times with any reminders of my dead family, and all that. Which I get, you know. It can be a lot for them to deal with." You looked down at the space between you.

"Hey, it's more for you to deal with. That can't be easy. But come on, y/n, you need to get back out there! We'll all help you. We could go out next weekend, there'll be men throwing themselves at you. And women, too, I don't know what you're into." Prentiss replied.

"Guys, I appreciate it, but I'm not looking to date right now. Even if I was, I wouldn't find them in a random bar on a Saturday night. Not my type of thing."

"Yeah, you find them at work instead. Shit, did I say that out loud?" Garcia said, before looking up, her eyes wide.

"You did indeed. And if you're referring to Reid..." you trailed off, while the girls looked at you expectantly.

"Come on, y/n, he really likes you. I haven't seen him this happy to be around ever since, well, something happened around two years ago now. That aside, you'd be so good together! Are you sure he's never made any sort of indication he likes you, or..." JJ asked you, her head angled slightly.

"No, no, he hasn't." You were sat in front of three FBI agents, two of whom were literally trained to analyse human behaviour, so you refused to believe you'd got away with the lie you just told. Prentiss got up to get her and JJ another drink as you reminisced on what he'd said to you on New Year's.

I'm just grateful for you.

I've got a lot of explaining to do, and I promise you I will, one day.

But when I'm with you, I can just forget about all of it.

You make all the dark, evil things in the world not matter so much anymore.

You caught yourself smiling too much, and quickly put on a straight face before anyone could realise.

The remainder of the night was spent with dancing, karaoke and a lot more alcohol. Will had come to pick JJ and Prentiss up, as Garcia had already offered you her couch.

You laid there, thinking about Reid, which you knew you promised yourself not to do. But after what JJ had said, how could you not? He'd basically told you he was in love with you, and you hadn't been able to talk to him about it since. It was painful too, not talking to any of the girls about it. You wanted to, you really did, but you knew that wasn't fair. Not until you were able to talk to Reid, and work out what you wanted with him.

You turned on Garcia's TV for some background noise, and fell asleep pretty quickly, trying to distract yourself from him.


okay this is definitely my least favourite chapter it's so short compared to what i'm used to writing now. i've also looked at the name 'reid' for so long it doesn't look like actual letters anymore.

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