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you and reid are learning how to be around each other at work, but morgan is suspicious.


It was April Fools', and so when Reid asked you to go on a date with him, you were very sceptical. It took him a while to get through to you that he wasn't joking, but that the two of you had just been so busy this was only day you had free.

He said he was picking you up at 6, so you had a few hours to be ready. It was to a posh Italian restaurant downtown, and you were worried you'd just compare it to Rossi's cooking the whole time. That man made some beautiful pasta.

Your roommate had decided to help you pick out an outfit. This was going to be the first time she met Reid, and you hoped it would go well.

"Y/N, you said his favourite colour is purple, right? What about this one?" She pulled out a long silky dark purple dress from your wardrobe. It was beautiful, you'd forgotten you had it. It was perfect.

You matched it with the necklace he'd bought you, and some earrings that complemented it. You hoped you weren't too overdressed.

You were in your room just finishing up your makeup, and heard your roommate introducing herself to Reid. You could only hope that he wasn't too awkward, or that he wouldn't start rambling about any subject she brought up. You loved it when he did that, but it was no secret that others found it annoying.

Your worries about being overdressed were very much over when you saw him, standing in your doorway. He'd ditched the usual sweater vest/cardigan combination for a full suit, and he looked gorgeous. You noticed he'd worn a purple tie in the same shade as your dress.

"Hey," you smiled.

"You look beautiful, y/n." He greeted you with a kiss, and your roommate took that as a cue to disappear off to her room.


It was a short drive to the restaurant, and you and Reid had found yourself singing along to whatever song was on the radio. You felt so relaxed, so calm, so open with him. No one else had ever made you feel the way he did, and you heavily doubted they ever would. You also thought you couldn't possibly find him any more attractive, but then he did the thing where he put his hand on your headrest while reversing into a parking space. Quite the sight.

He'd opened the car door for you, and you'd walked into the restaurant together, his hand resting on the small of your back. You were sat by the window, and could watch the cars pass by as the sun dropped below the horizon in the distance. But of course, you much preferred the view in front of you.

You had a lovely evening, and it was easily the best date you'd ever been on (not that there was much competition). He'd shared stories about his favourite cases he'd been on, and you told him anything he didn't know about your life before meeting him. You told him about how you loved school, about how you and your sister were always top of the class, about how you were able to motivate yourself to get to the BAU after your family died. He was so easy to be around, he made you feel safe.

Reid offered to pay for the meal, but you'd insisted on splitting it. He eventually gave in, and after that you decided to go back to the park you'd visited a week and a half ago. The park where you'd finally gotten together.

It was as beautiful as you remembered, but it felt even better being here knowing that you were here with Reid officially, and it didn't look like either of you were leaving any time soon. He'd offered you his blazer again, and you walked around the park hand in hand, him talking about all the types of trees and wildlife that you could see. He paused every now and then to apologise for rambling, but you didn't care, and you made sure to tell him that. You loved it when he did that, he was so passionate about everything. Especially you, which was easy to pick up on. The way his eyes softened whenever they locked with yours, the way his body language changed the second you walked into a room, he became more open. You made him feel safe too. 

You'd never truly opened up to someone about what happened to your family the way you did with him. You'd never shown anyone else pictures of you and your family, as you wanted those to stay as personal as possible, but you'd shown him. You wanted him to know you.

You'd never known what true love was until you met Spencer Reid.

And here you both were, standing on a little bridge over a fast stream in the park. Neither of you were saying anything, just watching it flow beneath you, but his arm was around your waist and he kissed your forehead. You could've stayed like this forever.

That was, until, you heard the delighted shouts of Derek Morgan and Penelope Garcia from behind you.

"Garcia, I told you! I told you something was going on with them!"

Oh, God. You and Reid faced each other, and you didn't even know how to react. You seemed to reach the conclusion that if this was how they found out, it wasn't the end of the world. It would be much better than them walking in on you doing something else, which you had certainly had a few close calls of.

"Hey, guys..." Reid said. "I think people in this situation usually say something like 'it's not what it looks like', but here it most definitely is."

"Oh my God, this is so cute! Morgan said he thought you were Reid's new girlfriend, and I didn't believe him, but he begged me to track your phones. We originally weren't going to come and visit you, but after seeing that you were with each other we couldn't resist." Garcia smiled at you, hoping you weren't mad.

"Wait, how did you guys know I had a girlfriend?"

"Kid, you were way too happy. Now I'm not complaining, mind, but obviously something had happened to cheer you up so much." Morgan walked over to Reid, and patted him on the back.

"Yeah, okay, we're together. It hasn't even been two weeks, we were hoping we could keep it secret a little longer. But I know that's asking way too much of you, Garcia, and I think we'd both be okay with people finding out now." You said to her. As much as you loved her, she could not keep secrets to save her life.

"So, come on, how did this all happen? I want to know everything, I'm so happy for you both." Garcia hugged you, and then Reid, before the four of you began walking through the park.

You told them about New Year's, and you could tell how annoyed Garcia was that she couldn't remember it, and she was annoyed at herself for interrupting you. Reid continued, saying how he'd comforted you on the anniversary of your family's deaths, and how you'd stayed the night, where he explained to Morgan that obviously nothing happened. And then about how you'd come to this park the next day, kissed, and slept at his again, to Morgan's delight. Reid also told him about how he'd nearly walked in on the two of you, and he made very loud exclamations about how 'pretty boy was finally getting some', which made you roll your eyes at him. Reid found it all very amusing.

Morgan and Garcia left you to be on your own, and you headed back to your apartment. You made yourself comfortable on the couch, while Reid got you both some chocolate before sitting next to you.

"How long do you think we have before the whole team knows?" He said.

"Honestly? I think it'd be incredibly optimistic to think Garcia hasn't told all of them by now." You laughed.

"Yeah, probably. You're okay with that, right? Because, I know I am. We'll have to fill out some paperwork with Hotch and there could be some issues about us going out in the field together, but-"

"Spence, this is the only time I'm going to stop you rambling. I'm okay with it, truly. Whatever we have to deal with as a result of this, I'm okay with." You smiled, leaning into him. He ran his hands through your hair as you found something to watch together.


ah okay i love this chapter but i don't really know how to write morgan and garcia so if they're ooc i'm sorry just pretend it's something they'd say idk

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