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you went to rossi's for dinner for the first time, and while you were trying to ignore signs from your roommate that you liked reid, you realised you had called him spence.


Your next two months at the BAU were some of the best months you would ever experience. They became a family to you, and you definitely needed one. You saw Hotch and Rossi as father figures now, and you knew they had your best interests at heart.

You'd learnt so much more about the team as a whole, about how they'd worked together over the past decade or so. You'd studied the cases they talked about most, like the assassination attempt on a member of the Secret Service that they stopped in 2008 in New York, and you'd also spent a fair amount of time studying the Boston Reaper. You knew where the boundaries were, however, and did not look into any cases that had affected Reid as he hadn't opened up to you about any of them yet. You'd known about Hotch's wife being killed within the first few days of joining the BAU, but still nothing about Reid. And that was okay, you didn't want to push him.

Prentiss, JJ and Garcia had quickly become your best friends. They'd been very fast to give you a rundown on all of the single FBI agents you could possibly get with. Garcia seemed very eager to set you up with a guy called Anderson, but you weren't really interested in dating at all at the moment. Your work was your priority, and nothing could come between that right now.

Morgan and you surprisingly had a lot of things in common, one of which was teasing Reid. It was odd how quickly you could bond with someone by mocking someone else who couldn't start a sentence without saying the word 'actually'.

As for Reid, you and him had become very close over the last few weeks, which you were very grateful for. He just had so much about him, and you felt a connection to him. You'd gotten to know each other over various flights home from cases all over the country, and just hearing what stories he had to tell. He'd been very enthusiastic to discuss episodes of Doctor Who with you, and despite never seeing the show you watched it so you could join in with him.

You'd also bonded over your love of books, especially. He'd mentioned that his current favourite was The Narrative of John Smith by Arthur Conan Doyle, but was uncomfortable talking about it any further and was quick to change the subject. Again, you didn't press on. You were just happy to spend time with him. It also helped that he was very easy on the eyes.

It was now Christmas Eve, and Garcia walked in to greet you all in the briefing room, carrying heavy bags. "Well, my lovelies, it seems serial killers are feeling festive and generous. We've got no cases. So..." you all turned to her, sighing.

"Woman, I thought we agreed no presents this year?" Morgan stood up, helping her set the bags on the table.

"Oh, I know, I know, but I couldn't resist. I found something for everyone. Well, kinda. Hotch, I didn't know what to get you because you don't show any emotion, so I got you a new fountain pen as you said yours ran out the other day. Now, Rossi, I figured you have all the recipes you could ever need, but I got you this big scrapbook kind of thing so you can write your own up for your grandson. JJ, I saw this dress when I was shopping the other day and I thought it would look incredible on you, so there you go, there's also some clothes for Henry and Michael in there, once again I just couldn't resist!" Garcia darted around the room excitedly, and you couldn't help but admire her.

"Now, Prentiss, I hope you know I love you very very much. But you are impossible to buy for, my love. So, next time we go out for a girls' night, and yes y/n you will be accompanying us, I will pay for your drinks. Like, the equivalent of what I would've spent on you. And probably more, because I just love you so much." Garcia hugged her, before quickly running back to the table.

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