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y/n is more comfortable around reid after accidentally overhearing him opening up to morgan about him being bullied as a child, and seeing him negotiate with an armed unsub.


You'd arrived home in Quantico on the Friday, and Hotch had given you all the rest of the day off. It had been a tiring case, and very heavy for certain members of the team.

The paperwork hadn't taken long to sort out. You sat opposite Morgan, so he was able to help you with it whenever needed. It was weird writing it all down on paper though, because reading back your report of what had happened with Reid and the unsub was nothing like how you actually felt in the moment. It felt empty.

You were just getting in the elevator when Reid called out to you, asking you to hold it. "Hey, y/n," he began as he pressed the button for the floor leading to the car park. "I'm really sorry about how I spoke in the briefing room, by the way. It wasn't fair of me to start talking about you like that."

"It's fine, Reid. I know you didn't mean for it to come across like that." You looked over at him. You hoped you sounded genuine as you knew he had no negative intentions, he was simply doing what he did best - talking about what he knew. He turned to you, a look of sincerity in his eye. He did have nice eyes, you noted.

"Are you sure? I'd be more than happy to agree that we never bring it up again, if that's what you would be comfortable with."

"No, don't worry about that. I do want to talk to you all about it someday, I'm just not ready yet. You've all been so understanding though, so thank you so much." You smiled at him. You were beginning to truly feel like part of the team, they had welcomed you so easily. Obviously there was the rocky start to your relationship with Reid but if anything, you regretted how you had ignored him at the beginning. You knew he didn't mean to address you in the briefing room the way he did, it was purely out of habit.

"Of course. Are you going to Rossi's tomorrow? He's cooking pasta for us all, you can't miss out."

"Definitely! I can't wait. I'll see you there?" You smiled at Reid as you got in your car, awaiting his reply.

"Yeah, you will. Bye, y/n, have a good evening." He turned and walked in the other direction until you could no longer see him. And with that, you drove out of the car park and headed home.


Your roommate had been so excited to hear all about the case and your team, so you couldn't help but disappoint her when it was about a bullied teenager taking revenge. A rather miserable case, out of all the ones you could've had. You were sat down on the couch as she brought over a cup of coffee for you.

"And what about the other agents? Are they like how you remember?" She asked.

"Yeah, they are. Prentiss is lovely, she was really helpful when I didn't really know how to move forward with an idea or something. Hotch, Morgan and JJ are all great too. I didn't meet Rossi last time, but he was really nice and he's hosting dinner for us all tomorrow. Apparently, he's a very enthusiastic cook. And then there's Reid, who I didn't really like to begin with. He's not the best at reading social situations, if you know what I mean. But he's lovely, actually. And he's like the closest in age to me I think, so I hope we become friends." You smiled as you thought about your conversation in the elevator, how sincere he had been.

"Y/N, you're blushing. Tell me more about him!" Your roommate looked up at you. Surely she was bluffing, right? You couldn't have been blushing talking about Spencer Reid. You hadn't even thought of him that way.

"What, no, don't be ridiculous." You threw a pillow at your roommate's head, hoping she would change the subject.

"Alright, fine. I'm so happy for you, y/n. You deserve this." She smiled, and you felt a wave of guilt rise in your stomach.

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