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you and reid went on your first date, and you were caught by morgan and garcia.


You'd never really liked this day much, and going to sleep the night before the 6th of April was very difficult for you. Ever since you'd lost your family, you'd never looked forward to your birthday, as it made you feel very alone.

However, Reid had a wonderful way of waking you up that morning, and you were hopeful that this time it would be different, as you had him.

The news of your relationship wasn't much of a surprise to the team, as they had already guessed that Reid was in one. You did end up having to file some paperwork and Hotch said how usually relationships between agents were not allowed, but he trusted you both. He'd also mentioned how you had to make sure you didn't prioritise each other when you were out in the field, and still continued to work as a team, but that was about it. He also admitted he was very happy for the both of you, which you were surprised by.

You hadn't asked for the day off, as Hotch wouldn't allow you and Reid to be away from work too many times, and you didn't want to waste it on your birthday. You were certain it would be a paperwork day though, as any cases the BAU had been sent recently were all done over the phone, there was no need to fly.

Unfortunately, that trend ended today.

You and Reid walked into the bullpen together, and groaned when you saw Garcia walking into the briefing room clutching a file. Maybe you wished you did take the day off, it was your birthday after all.

You sat down in the briefing room and grimaced as you saw the images on the screen.

"Y/N, I'm very sorry to interrupt your birthday, but we've got a case in Las Vegas, Nevada. Three women in the last five weeks, shot in the stomach. I can't find any connection between the victims yet, they were of different ages, one was a prostitute, one was a lawyer and the other was a stay-at-home mom. They do look similar though, so maybe that's something worth looking into." Garcia grimaced, while facing away from the screens. You knew how much she hated seeing such pain, and it was understandable.

You all shared ideas about the unsub, before Hotch dismissed you all to prepare for the plane. You went to your desk and began sorting out your things, and Reid came up to you.

"We don't have to go, you know. We can consult over the phone, like we've all been doing for the past few days."

"No, it's fine, I want to go. I can't just ditch my job because I want to stay at home and have sex with my boyfriend. It's fine, we can sort something out when we get back, I promise."

He sighed, he knew there was no chance of persuading you to stay home. You smiled at him, almost apologetically, you knew he could do with the day off too. He suddenly become a lot more excited with the idea of going, as you would be able to meet his mom. You walked with him to the jet, and Morgan followed.

"Not interrupting anything, am I?" he came in between the two of you.

"Morgan, we're just walking to the jet, how is that even possible?" Reid questioned.

"I don't know man, you're the genius, you figure it out." He laughed, before patting Reid on the back, and running ahead to get onto the jet.


The case was brutal, and you were all very tired. It had been two days, and you still didn't have much of a profile. A white man in his late 30's to early 40's, based on the way he killed and positioned the bodies. He clearly had issues with a female figure in his life, but you couldn't even work out what the relationship would be, as the victims were of all different ages. It was the most basic profile you'd built.

Hotch had ordered you all to go back to the hotel and rest, as you would have a better chance to come up with something valuable once you were rested. You were sharing a room with JJ, and you both collapsed onto your beds. You were drifting off to sleep until you heard your phone vibrate. The screen almost blinded you, but you could make out a message from Reid.

'Goodnight, get some rest, we'll be better in the morning. I miss you x'

You text him back a quick 'I miss you too x' before falling back on the bed. You wanted to tell him you loved him, you really did, but you'd only been together for two weeks. That was ridiculous. But he felt the same, you knew he did. He nearly even said the word itself, when you were engaging in a certain activity in the middle of the night. You'd known each other for so long and your relationship would've started months ago, if it wasn't for Garcia. It wasn't ridiculous to say you loved him, right?


You all woke up and got to the police station very early, and it felt good. Today would be different. You'd finally catch this unsub, relax, meet Reid's mother, fly home, and celebrate your birthday. You just had today and maybe tomorrow to get through.

The connection you'd been missing hit you at 3pm that day, when you were combing through the victims' financial reports and saw they'd all been donating the same amount to a charity for domestic abuse survivors. Due to the nature of the charity, the donations had been made very discrete and so the names were all different, so Garcia hadn't picked up on it.

You informed Hotch of your findings, and he told you and Reid to go and talk to the manager of the charity, Jason Holt, and see if he could think of any men who fit the profile. You drove to his address, a small cabin in the woods, and saw that no one was home. The driveway in front was empty.

"Reid, we can just wait for him. Or better yet, the door's open..." you turned to Reid.

"Y/N, are you seriously suggesting we go in his house and have a look around? We'd need a warrant." You felt your phone buzz, and saw a message from Garcia.

"Uh, I think we've just got better than that. Garcia did some digging, and Holt's wife looks exactly like the victims. It's got to be him. And he's out, so we don't need to wait for backup, right?"

"Fine, I imagine the team will try to find him. One rule though, we don't split up. No matter what." He looked at you sternly, before fully pushing open the door and going in.

You thought that was weird at first, but then remembered what he'd said about his abduction. He didn't want to risk anything going wrong.

You listened, and followed him around the house, not letting him leave your sight. You went upstairs, and he walked into Holt's bedroom, looking out of the window.

You went to follow him, but couldn't. You could feel a man's arm wrap around your neck, and the cold metal of a gun against your temple.

He was here.

"Put the gun down and kick it to me, or she dies."

Reid immediately put his gun on the floor, and kicked it gently towards Holt. He approached you, his hands out as a way of surrending.

"Holt, you don't have to do anything, we can talk about this."

And that was the last thing you remembered before you blacked out.



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