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you're on a case where the unsub, jason holt, kills women who resemble his late wife. you and reid unknowingly head to the unsub's house, where he holds you at gunpoint, forcing reid to surrender.


You woke up, and your head ached. You could feel dried blood on the side of your head and down your cheek, and you felt sick. Every muscle in your body seemed to ache, but it couldn't have done. You couldn't feel your limbs.

Your eyes opened more, but you could barely make anything out. It was so dark, you had to be in a basement of some sort. Not Holt's basement, as you'd already checked that out on your search. You couldn't work out where you were, and that thought distressed you.

Nowhere near as much as realising Reid was unconscious in front of you.

He didn't seem to be hurt, but he looked tired. His eyebags had got even heavier, which you thought was impossible. His head hung and his arms fell into his lap, as if he'd been knocked out and just thrown onto the ground. Instinct told you that that was probably what had happened.

As for you, you weren't sure. You remembered feeling the gun against your temple, and Reid kicking the gun towards Holt. Nothing after that.

You began to regain feeling in your legs, and tried to stand up. You failed to do so, and you were quick to sit back down again. You had to wait for Reid to wake up at least, and try and save your energy.

Reid began to stir, and you tried to crawl over to him. He looked up at you, and you could see the relief in his eyes as he realised you were okay.

"Hey, you're not hurt, thank God."

"What happened?"

"Well, he hit you over the head with the gun, and as I moved towards him to try and catch you, I think he injected me with something. I panicked, because I thought it was dilaudid even though I knew that was unlikely, but it ended up being some sort of anaesthetic. I didn't pass out instantly, I just pretended to, to try and work out what was happening. He'd parked his van in between his trees behind the house, so we didn't see it. He threw you in the back of it, and me after, and then I fell under, I guess."

Fuck, you thought. You should've thought to look further for a vehicle. You'd already made that mistake one too many times.

"Well, we're gonna be okay, right?

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure we will. I don't know how long it's been since that happened, but the team must've realised by now. They'll find us, don't worry."


Neither of you were strong enough to move, so you sat opposite each other and tried to distract yourselves by talking about anything you could think of. It wasn't enough, as whenever a story ended, you were reminded of the grim situation you were in.

You'd both been silent for a while now, not knowing what to say. You were becoming worried that you weren't going to be okay after all. Why hadn't Holt come in and spoke to you yet?

It dawned on you that if either of you were at risk, it was going to be you. He killed women. It wouldn't matter here that you didn't look like his wife or the victims, you still somewhat fit his victimology. Reid did not.

"Look, Reid, if something happens to me..."

"Don't, y/n. It won't. We're going to be fine." He smiled at you, and reached out his arm. You reached yours out too. You couldn't hold hands, you couldn't even reach each other's fingers, but the thought was there. You were in this together.


Hours seemed to have passed by, but your concept of time was long gone. You didn't even know if it was still the same day. Your worries about how long the team would take to find you disappeared when a door you previously hadn't noticed opened, and Holt walked in.

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