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yes most of this chapter is just the case from 3x16 'elephant's memory' but i still recommend you don't skip through it! there's a lot of development between y/n and the team as she begins to establish herself as an agent alongside them. 


The flight hadn't been that bad. You were never a fan of flying, but it wasn't that much of a concern. For the full three hours, you had just been getting to know the team. You'd seen pictures of JJ's and Hotch's children, heard many jokes about Rossi's ex-wives and learnt a little more about Dr Reid. You had no idea his IQ was that high, but it made sense though. You'd gone out of your way to not be near him as you still weren't comfortable with him. 

Prentiss had told you about how cases usually go, with Hotch ordering the agents around and how to deal with the local police. You were excited, but extremely nervous. Rossi walked with you off the plane and gave you a bit of advice, saying the team would be more than okay if you mainly just watched how they work while you got used to being with them. 

You felt really supported, and knew that the team would have your back. Undoubtedly, you had theirs. 

It was a short drive from the airport to the crime scene and you sat in the passenger seat of the SUV with Morgan driving, and JJ and Reid in the back. You'd never been to Texas before, and from what you could see of it now, you probably never would again. 

You approached the officers and JJ did not hesitate to introduce you all.

"Sheriff Hallum? I'm SSA Jennifer Jareau. This is the team, agents Hotchner, Rossi, Morgan, Prentiss, Y/L/N and Dr Reid. We're really sorry for your loss." She shook the Sheriff's hand.

You'd forgotten that the local police force had also lost two of their own, in the ambush. It had been 7 years since you lost your family, and you knew how difficult it could be. You couldn't imagine going through that again. 

"Thank you. Where do we start?" He replied bluntly.

"The first victim, Rod Norris." Hotch said. 

"He's the manager of the chemical plant over at IBIS. No arrests in 10 years since his wife left him. I can't blame her for leaving him, but it's a shame she left Jordan behind."

"What can you tell us about Jordan?" Rossi asked.

"Sweet girl, a bit slow. Special ed, and all that stuff. Takes some talking for her to notice it. I think her mother leaving took its toll." 

"Okay, JJ, you, Morgan and me will set up at the police station. Prentiss, Rossi, Reid and Y/L/N, let's stay here and see what we make of this." Hotch ordered. 


You entered the remains of the building. It was, unsurprisingly, a mess. Walls knocked out, furniture collapsing and books were strewn all over the floor. 

"The blast was localised here. The room's been sealed off, there's some plastic, duct tape on the doorsills and the windows." Reid walked around the room tentatively, pointing out various marks and points on the walls. "They found a dozen canisters of gunpowder, according to the report."

"Well, the concentration of damage puts those canisters right here by the door. He seals the kitchen, blows out the pilot light, trapping the gas in here near the primary charge." Prentiss joins in.

"If Jordan was here," you said, "between the charge and the window, she'd end up in the field outside."

"The unsub didn't care about the rest of the house, so the whole thing's designed to focus the blast on whoever came through that door." Reid walks towards the door, looking for any sort of clue.

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