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You opened the glass doors of the BAU as you took in the sight before you. There was so much going on it was hard to focus on one area at once. Phones rang and papers were shuffled as you watched, almost in awe. You took a deep breath as you walked over to a blonde agent, asking where Agent Hotchner's office was.

"Oh hey, you're the new agent, right? Jennifer Jareau, call me JJ. It's lovely to meet you. His office is just right up the stairs there." She shook your hand and smiled at you.

You headed in the direction JJ had pointed at, and smiled as you saw Hotchner's name on the door. This was it. Once you came out of this office, you were officially part of the BAU. You knocked.

"Come in. Hello, you must be Agent Y/L/N. I've heard so much about you from your previous Unit Chief, and I believe you'll be a great asset to our team." He smiled and gestured for you to sit down.

"Hi, I'm so excited to be here. Agent Hotchner, I can't tell you how much it means to me. I've worked so hard for it and I can't wait to join your team."

"That's lovely to hear. I must say, I was very interested to see what you would end up doing after we saw you last. Usually I would introduce you to the team again more formally, but a case came in this morning and we're about to start the briefing. So, if you'll follow me, we can start. And, please call me Hotch."

You followed him down the walkway to the room in the corner of the bullpen. It was an odd shape, with a roundtable in the centre and 8 seats around it.

"Everyone, this is Agent Y/N Y/L/N. You might remember her from a case we had a while ago, but she does not wish to talk about that at the moment, and I ask that we all respect that. So I'd like you to all formally introduce yourselves, even though we all technically have met except for Rossi." Hotch brought everyone's attention to you.

"Hi, kiddo. I've heard so much about you. I'm David Rossi." Rossi shook your hand gently and smiled.

"Hi! I've been so excited to have a new team member for so long! I'm Penelope Garcia, and I can find out any information you could ever need. That's Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, and I think you already met JJ earlier." Penelope beamed at you and pulled you in for a hug.

Prentiss looked up at you happily. She was the one who you had spoken to the most when everything happened, and it was nice to see she was still here.

"It's so lovely to meet you all properly, I'm looking forward to working with you." You smiled and sat down, looking at the empty seat.

''Oh, Reid said he's running late. Overslept, I think.' Morgan said.

''Well, we better start. We can catch him up on the plane. So...'' Garcia began.

"No, no, it's fine, I'm here, I'm here, sorry." A man who you could only assume was Reid walked in and sat next to you. He looked different from what you could remember of him, his hair was different and he just seemed more mature and confident.

"Hi, I'm Y/N Y/L/N." You held out your hand for him to shake.

Reid looked at your hand. "The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering. It's actually safer to kiss." You looked up at him, startled. "Sorry, I suppose that's not the greatest way to greet someone. Dr Spencer Reid, nice to meet you." Reid looked towards the screen before back at you. 'Wait, weren't you involved in that case we had in San Francisco 7 years ago?"

You froze, as you weren't expecting someone to ask you that. It wasn't his fault, he didn't hear Hotch asking that no one bring it up, but surely that was common sense, right? Morgan called out for Reid to change the subject, but he didn't hear him.

"Yes, Vincent Stiles who would lock businessmen and their families in their homes and set them on fire. You were the one to find your home on fire and your family dead because you had gone out for the night." He spoke at you, not realising that you were clearly uncomfortable with him talking about it.

"Well, yeah, yeah that was me. If you don't mind, I'd rather not talk about that right now." You turned away from him and directed all your attention at the screen, and Garcia who was about to present the case.

Garcia looked between the two of you awkwardly before loading up the case. "Right, you lovely lot are headed to a little town called West Bune, in Texas. And if you'll look at the video behind me on the screen, you'll see why."

The screen lit up as you saw a video of flames erupting from a small wooden house, recorded by one of the officers.

"The resident Rod Norris was reported dead on arrival. They're still trying to I.D. the remains of the second victim, whom they believe is his 16 year old daughter Jordan. From the condition of the remains, she would have had to have been inside the house, close to the source of the blast." JJ read from the file. "Clearly, they used the bombing to set the officers up for an ambush."

"It's a well established terror tactic." Reid piped up, but you did not look in his direction. Yes, you didn't really blame him for bringing up what happened to you, but you didn't feel comfortable with him yet. You didn't like the way he was so eager to talk about what happened to you, without considering you were severely traumatised from it and were not ready to talk about it yet.

"First wave takes out civilians, the second wave takes out first responders." He continued.

"The locals are thinking terrorism, in West Bune, Texas?" Morgan looked over at Garcia, confused.

"Not exactly a tier one target, I know, but DHS did issue a terror alert for the border states yesterday, so it's mainly due to the timing and nature of the attack." Garcia replied.

"I mean, I've never even heard of this place. The militia, okay, that I could see, but..."

Prentiss interrupted Morgan before he could doubt the case any longer. "It is close to the border, it could be traffickers sending a message. But whoever it is, they gunned down two cops and blew up a teenage girl. No one in that town is safe."

"We're going to need to be cautious with the locals, they've lost some of their own. They're going to want revenge. Wheels up in thirty." Hotch stood up, taking a file with him. You got up and prepared yourself for the case.


if you couldn't tell, i tweaked the case from 2x19 'ashes and dusk' where there was another family killed, which is y/n's family. this next case will be from 3x16 'elephant's memory' but in case you didn't see this is set in season 10 with the season 7 cast. i had to rewatch it to get the script right and the beginning of that episode makes me cry. what do we think so far? i'm interested in building a relationship between y/n and prentiss, as she is who y/n is most comfortable with at the moment.

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