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the team had promised to not buy each other gifts, but garcia couldn't help herself. neither could you and reid - he bought you a necklace and you bought him a bookmark. you later realised that as he said goodbye to you you wanted to kiss him.


It was the 31st of December, and over the last week the Christmas spirit that serial killers seemed to be embracing had long since gone. On the 27th, you and the team, including Garcia, had been called to New York, where a court stenographer had been murdering those who were guilty, but able to get away with their crimes. You were now waiting in the hotel lobby for Hotch to come back, before you could head to the jet.

The rest of you were sitting round a table playing cards, albeit Reid, who was sitting in the corner reading a book. You couldn't help notice the bookmark you'd got him for Christmas had been used in it.

Hotch came over to you all, and you searched his face for any sort of emotion. Unsurprisingly, there was none. "Guys, I'm really sorry, but we can't fly home tonight. There's bad storms over in Virginia, they don't want to risk it. We'll fly home tomorrow. I recommend we all get some rest, and maybe go sight seeing to-"

"Hotch, that's ridiculous. It's New Year's Eve. I don't think pretty boy over there has ever even stayed up for New Year's back home, so he's definitely not when we're in New York! Come on, reckon we can get on the hotel roof or something? We could watch the fireworks." Morgan interrupted Hotch, almost laughing. Reid looked up startled at the mention of his name.

"Yeah, sure, that sounds good too. Everyone okay with that?" Hotch looked to you all for approval, and you all agreed. Morgan decided you would all have an hour to go and get ready, and the hotel staff were more than willing to let you up on the roof and even bring you alcohol. Your jobs did protect the country on a daily basis, after all. Deep down, you had a feeling that Morgan flirted with the hotel manager to let you up instead. You weren't about to call him out on it though.


You and Reid were the last to go back to your rooms, after staying in the lobby to talk about the book he was currently reading. You were beginning to pick out your outfit while Reid stood in the hallway, his hand resting on the doorframe.

"That can't be true, what Morgan said? You have stayed up to watch the New Year come in at least once in your life, right?" You looked over at him, before turning back to your wardrobe.

"Yes, y/n. I get why Morgan said that, the joke that I'm a child and everything, but you do realise I get very little sleep. If I am awake when it hits midnight, it's never really intentional. I did once watch fireworks with my mom, though. I'd love for you to meet her one day, she's great." You turned to face him, surprised at what he'd said.

"You want me, to meet your mom?" You felt a smile on your face. You and Reid were very good friends now, he was probably the best friend you'd ever had, but you still knew nothing about his past. You were surprised he was so eager to let you meet his mother. You'd picked up on the fact she wasn't very well, but you didn't know the specifics.

"Well, yeah. I don't know when, but I think I'd like that. And I'm also looking forward to tonight. With you." He was looking right into your eyes, and you felt a shudder run down your spine. "And the rest of the team, of course. It'll be great."

"Yeah, it will." You were interrupted by Garcia, who you'd been sharing a room with. She'd just got out of the shower, and was wearing only a towel.

"Spencer! Get out!" Garcia ordered. You quickly shut the door on him, as you felt Garcia would be very quick to throw something at him if he was there any longer. Maybe a shoe.

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