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on the anniversary of your family's murder, reid invited you to his apartment so that you wouldn't be alone. obviously, nothing happened, but you did feel comfortable sharing a bed with him.

this contains spoilers for 2x15 and 8x12, so be careful? idk this is an important chapter so i wouldn't say skip it, and it's most likely already been spoiled for you anyway. at least read the last few paragraphs :)


You woke up, and the clock on the table beside you said it was 10.30am. Shit. You were supposed to be at work ages ago. But, where were you? This was definitely not your apartment. The events of the previous night suddenly came to mind, and you realised Spencer had snuggled into your neck and his arm was resting on your waist. You didn't mind one bit.

"Spence, Spence, you need to wake up. We're so late for work, Hotch is gonna kill us." You sat up, trying to stir him.

"No, y/n, it's fine. I called him last night and asked for the day off for the both of us." He replied, his voice raspy. "I want to take you out for the day. Even just to the park round the corner, for a picnic or something, so you can have a break from everything." He smiled.

"Oh, okay, yeah that's great. That's perfect, actually." You reached out for his hand, and squeezed it.


It was now 3pm, and the two of you were sitting cross-legged opposite each other, a blanket under you. You'd gone to yours on the way to find some clothes, and the two of you had gone to a little cafe you'd found to buy lunch before heading to the local park.

It was eerily peaceful. You could hear the distant shouts and cries of children playing in the distance, but not much else disturbed what seemed to be a date. Was this a date? You weren't sure, and you didn't think he was either.

You'd been working out what you wanted to say to him for the past four hours, and finally were able to find the words.

"Spence, I want to talk to you about what happened. I know you know the details of it, but you need to hear my side, I think." You reached out to hold his hands, and his eyes locked with yours.

"I didn't even want to go out that night. I was going to stay in and watch movies with my sister because she had just gone through a bad breakup, but my friends kept calling me and inviting me out and my sister said that she wanted to be on her own that night, so I went out with my friends. I was driving, obviously, so I didn't drink. But I was out late, until about 2am, and so I decided to drive home. I was very tired, I was pretty close to falling asleep at the wheel." You sighed. You realised in the past 8 years, this was the first time you would actually fully explain everything. It felt only right that it was to Spencer.

"Our house was in a very isolated area, and it couldn't be seen from the main road. Which is why when I drove home, I only realised something was wrong when I was going up the driveway. The fire hadn't completely destroyed the house yet, but I could smell the smoke. I parked my car away from the house and got out, and could only watch as the flames got worse and worse. I didn't know what to do, and I think I've blocked this part out of my brain as I don't remember much, but I know I was distraught. And then I saw him."

"Vincent Stiles, the unsub?"

"Yeah. Like you guys said, he stayed to watch them die. I saw him run out the back door where he'd parked his car that I hadn't noticed, as it was hidden behind trees. There wasn't anything I could do. He was gone before I'd even registered what happened. I just- I always think about it. How I should've been home. At the very least, I wouldn't have been in pain for the last 8 years. I think about them every single day, you know. I know it was my dad's corrupt business that made Stiles kill them, but he was a good guy. He just made a few mistakes. He'd always go and help out at the local elementary schools and run clubs there, for free. And my mum, she was an angel. She would've loved you, she liked the smart ones." You looked down, as you could feel your eyes watering. You didn't want Spencer to see you cry.

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