Chapter 15

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"WHERE IS SHE?!" Callie yells with tears streaming down her face.

"Callie, you have to calm down." Mike grips her arm hard and shakes her softly. "I know you're scared but you'll scare everyone else in here too, sweetheart. And she's in surgery."

"Why aren't you in there with her?" Callie whimpers. "She can't be alone." She cries again. Ben takes his fiancée into his arms and she sobs loudly against his shoulder.

"I can't and she's not alone. She knows all the people around her. They're her co-workers and most of them are her friends. She's in good hands, Callie. The best. I promise. I made sure of it. I cashed in every favourite that all the best surgeons owe me."

"Honey, please sit down and breathe. We can't have you passing out here in the hallway." Ben says and the worry in his voice breaks through to Callie. "I'll get us all some tea. It's good for the nerves."

When Callie's gone to get tea, Ben says gravely "Tell me the truth, man."

"The truth is that all of this is my fault. She was on the way to my car to wait for me to take her home. I can't say anything about her condition until the surgery is done but it doesn't look good. She got hit by a god damn car and when she fell she broke her neck in two places. I don't know how to tell Callie that. And I don't know what the fuck to do. I just realised that I'm in love with her and now I might be losing her before I can tell her." Mike breaks down in tears and Ben hugs him.

"Thank you for telling me, man. I'm really sorry for us all. She's the best damn woman on this earth. Well, second-best. Mine's the best of course." Ben says.

"Is she dead?" Callie asks heartbroken and gasps for air.

Ben's quick to reply. "No, no babe. No news yet. Mike's feeling responsible for what happened. And there's something else you should know about what happened to her."

"It's not your fault." Callie touches Mike's arm gently. "You weren't the one who drove the damn car."

"I should have made her wait for me in my office, but I didn't because I was afraid we'd..." He lets the rest of the sentence hang in the air between the three of them.

"Afraid that you'd what?" Callie asks.

Mike sighs. "I was afraid I would take her on my desk if we were alone in my office for just one second, so I asked her to meet me at the car after work."

"You two have to accept that what's between you guys is more than just sex." Callie says sternly.

"We already know that. We just haven't accepted it yet." Mike mumbles.

"Good. Now what's this other thing I need to know?" Callie looks at Ben with worry written all over her face.

"Eliza's neck is broken in two places." His eyes fill with tears as he says it out loud.

Callie slides down the wall and puts her head in her hands. "No, no, no." She murmurs.

"I got the top specialist surgeon to come in to fix her but I'm not sure if it's enough. I'm so sorry, Callie." Mike apologises with tears streaming fast down his cheeks.

"It's not your fault. You have to understand that Mike." Callie stands back up and hugs him and then she takes a cup of tea and passes it to him.

The hours pass by ever so slowly. Each of them getting more and more worried about Eliza but at 8 o'clock, almost 5 hours after the surgery began, the doctor gives them some good news. There was no swelling on the brain and the surgeries on the neck should ensure that it grows back normally and without her losing any feeling in the body.

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