Chapter 17

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"I wanna go outside, Mike." Eliza whines after 5 weeks of bedrest.

"Only one week left, my love." He kisses her softly on the lips. "Soon you'll be allowed to do all the things you want to again."

"Sooo have sex, have sex and have sex and then go outside." She rolls her eyes.

"Good thing I have a week off at that point. It sounds like you're going to exhaust me." He laughs.

She laughs too. "I'm not going to exhaust you. I'm just going to seduce you and keep you as my prisoner until I'm exhausted from sexual pleasure."

"Baby, you're the worst. In the best possible way." He laughs. "I can't wait."

"Neither can I." She answers seriously. "I'm never breaking my neck again."

"I'd wish that it's something you could decide, baby." He says.

"And now you can leave. I know it's driving you crazy to have me here." She says.

"Leave? I'm not leaving. Did you hit your head today? You seem to be forgetting I'm watching you." He looks at her like she's stupid.

"I thought you wanted to go out with your friends. I'm an adult. I can look after myself." She says and rolls her eyes at him.

"I don't trust you, baby. I know if I leave you'll leave this bed." He looks at her sternly.

"You know me too well now." She mutters.

"And I love you so I'm not letting you get hurt." He says while staring directly into her eyes.

"I don't love you so much right now." She says teasingly. "But when this comes off the first thing I'm going to do is to wrap my lips around your dick. Just so you know."

"You're going to be the death of me woman." He groans.

"I don't hope so." She winks at him.

They have spent the last 5 weeks really getting to know each other and they've fallen so deeply in love that they can't hide it anymore.

"Apart from my neck then these last 5 weeks have been great, babe." She says and smiles genuinely. "They really have." He confirms. "I'm excited about what comes after this. That reminds me of something. I have to ask you something."

"Oh my god! Not you too. You're going to ask me to go to medical school, aren't you?" She sighs. "Why does everybody keep asking med that?"

"How come you always know exactly what I'm going to tell you or ask you?" He looks impressed.

"Sixth sense." She shrugs. "I'm not going to go. I'm having YOUR baby, remember?"

"You can be a mom AND a doctor, you know, baby." He laughs.

"His dad is a doctor. That's more than enough. I'm not going. End of discussion. Insert amazing blowjob here to distract you." She winks at him and he laughs again. "Sorry baby. It didn't quite work."

"When I'm up and running again we're making a god damn sex tape so if anything like this happens again I'll play that if I need to distract you." She huffs.

"Once again woman, you're going to be the death of me." He kisses her hand.

"No, it's you who's going to be the death of me running around in public looking like that." She gestures at him. "You're so fucking god damn hot that you can create traffic chaos because everyone stops to look. Are you aware how extra hard all of this is when I know that my man is everyone's wet fantasy and I'm never at his side to claim him and mark my territory?"

"Are you aware how turned on your words make me?" He gestures to his pants that are now tighter than usual. "And also, do you know how many times I've wanted to kill someone for looking at you with lust in the eyes?"

"It's not the same. Every fucking damn woman you pass look at you like you're candy. If you're candy then I'm the only one who can eat you." She looks irritated and turned on at the same time.

"You can eat me anytime you want. Or well, in 7 days you can." He smiles affectionately.

"You will spend your entire 7 days off in bed, you know, babe." She looks at him pointedly.

"As long as it's with you then I don't see any problem." He winks at her. "And you really gotta stop thinking about other women. I don't notice them so you shouldn't either. Trust me if I told you how many men look at you with lust, then you wouldn't believe me."

"I trust you. Always. But on this subject I think you're too biased. Please kiss me now." She smiles shyly and he kisses her softly.

"I think you're right about the going out part. I'm going to ask Callie to watch you for a bit." He smiles and yells "Calliiiiieee, can you come in here?"

Immediately Callie's head pops in through the door. "Were you listening in on us AGAIN?" Eliza asks and laughs loudly.

"No, I wasn't not." Callie says and they all laugh. "You two are so freaking adorable."

"Can you watch our darling for a bit? She admitted she's going to try to leave her bed, if I leave but I'm trusting you to watch her."

Callie have been immensely worried about Eliza and she refused to leave her side the first week she was at Mike's apartment.

"Of course." Callie says seriously.

"Oh no." "You're worse than him. At least he's sexy to look at but you.. Well you're sexy too in a different way, bae, but you keep trying to quiz me and I know it's all stuff that you must know to pass the entrance exam for medical school."

"Come baaaack, babe." Eliza yells when Mike leave the bedroom. "I love yooouuu."

"I love you too, honey. See you later." He yells back.

"That man really loves you." Callie says and Eliza laughs. "Not as much as I love him."

"No, he loves you more." Callie simply states. "You do know that if you go to medical school you'll get to spend more time with him, right? He's going to test you and the hospital promised he'll be your attending."

"I did not know that." Eliza looks quizzically at Callie.

Callie smiles brightly. "He didn't tell you that because he didn't want you to make a decision based on him. I'm guessing it was the same with the baby."

Eliza nods. "He said that in the end the decision was mine but he wanted the baby."

"Just get married already. God, that conversation you two had about who's most jealous was so sweet it made me want to vomit." Callie laughs but Eliza sees in her eyes that she's serious and asks "You don't think that's too soon?"

"Not with everything you've been through and with a baby on its way. I think it would be just wonderful." Callie smiles proudly.

"You tell him that." Eliza says happily.

"Oh I already did." She muses and they both start laughing. Then they decide to watch Dirty Dancing on the tv.

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