~Chapter 12~

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A/N: my stupid brain is just realizing how short each chapter is compared to other fanfics' chapters. my writing style is different from other writers, so expect the chapters to not be more than 400-600 words. i may once in a while add more words but that's gonna be rare

ty for sticking with me and staying this far in this cringy story, it means the world!

No One's POV:

"Aigoo, why did you make us eat soooo much ramen, Jin-hyung?!" Jungkook whined from the end of the table.

"Did you not like it? Was it tasteless?" Jin said, looking around the table at each of the others. 

"Aniya~ it was good hyung. But add some more  m e a t ." Yoongi said in a careless tone.

(ok dont judge but since i havent eaten ramen since like 2019, i googled "do you put meat in ramen" for yoongi's line above)

"I liked it, the flavor was good." Y/N said, with a contented sigh. "But I-I-I'm stuffed. I can't possibly eat anymore." she added, stifling a yawn.

"You are sleepy." Namjoon said, standing up. "You must have had a long day.

"No, no, I'm alright... You should be too, you went to the same places as me!" Y/N answered.

"You should sleep." Hobi said, eyeing Yoongi warily. 

"I'll shower first." Y/N said, heading over to her and Yoongi's shared room. "Goodnight!" she called, closing the door.

After the others were sure she was gone, there was an awkward silence for a few minutes.

"Jin-hyung?" Namjoon asked quietly, breaking the silence and drawing all eyes to him.

"Hm?" Jin answered, looking at Namjoon.

"Do... Do you like Y/N, hyung?" Namjoon said, looking at Jin dead in the eye.

Jin's cheeks went a bright red. He hadn't been expecting this and didn't know how to answer.

"I- I..." he answered, stuttering. He never acted like this in front of everyone.

"It's obvious." a voice said from the corner. Yoongi had appeared from who-knows-where, and staring around. "We've seen your behaviour. This isn't normal."

"We're not stupid, hyung." Taehyung added, a small smile on his face.

"Don't laugh at meeeee!" Jin said, annoyed.

"Anyway, if you do like her, then tell her!" Jimin said, looking meaningfully at Jin.

"No, don't." Yoongi said, cutting in. All eyes were drawn to him. 

"Why not? It'll lift a huge weight off his shoulders." Hobi said, eyeing Yoongi confusedly and slightly suspiciously. 

"Y/N doesn't seem right for Jin." said Yoongi with a scowl. "Honestly, she doesn't seem right for anyone. Her personality is weird."

"Yoongi-ah!" Jin said, looking angrily at Yoongi. "You haven't even known her for 24 hours, and you're judging her now?"

"I don't care. You can go through hell and back to prove my point but it'll be useless." said Yoongi, still scowling. "You guys just-"

"I've known her for longer than any of you, so stop." Namjoon said, his leadership abilities kicking in. "Jin, you can tell her if you want but Yoongi, that's enough. Why are you being so harsh? You weren't even like this when the maknaes moved in."

"I- She just seems... not good!" Yoongi said, his voice rising. 

"Stob it!" Jin said, standing up now. Yoongi backed down, his face angry- but also a bit defeated-looking.

"Let's just- get to bed." Namjoon said, sighing.

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