~Chapter 16~

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As Y/N and Yoongi fast-walked through the increasingly muddy ground, Yoongi holding up an umbrella, nobody really spoke. Everyone wanted to focus on getting to their respective classes in time, and they didn't want to waste energy. The doors of the building loomed a few hundred feet in front of them, and Y/N turned to Yoongi.

"You're in the music club?" she asked awkwardly, trying to divert her mind from her backpack that could get soaked in rain at any minute, and her boots with mud all over the soles.

"Yes." Yoongi said, not even looking at her.

"Alriiiiiiight." Y/N said, deciding not to continue this conversation. As they stepped onto the cement in front of the glass doors, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Closing his umbrella, Yoongi set off towards his locker without further ado.

"Bye!" Jungkook said, waving after him. Yoongi raised a hand in farewell, and Jin set off behind him. 

"Hobi, you, and I are all in the same class. Yoongi and Jin are in the year after us, Taehyung and Jimin are in the year below us, and Jungkook is a year below them." Namjoon said, checking the time on his phone when they (Joon, Y/N, and Hobi) set off for their lockers together.

"But why do we still share classes?" Y/N asked, looking at her schedule again.

"Honestly, I don't know. Maybe they have more space in some classes, and less in others." Namjoon said, shrugging after putting his phone back in his pocket. Students stared as they walked down the corridors, occasionally whispering and pointing behind their hands. 

The most surprising things were the girls there- they would whisper loudly and point at Y/N openly sometimes. One girl with long, dark hair even stuck out her foot to trip her as she walked, but Y/N was caught by the arm by a surprised Hobi.

"Thanks a bunch." Y/N said to him, looking back confusedly at the girl who had tripped her, now immersed in looking at her reflection in a locker mirror. "What was that about?"

"Don't mind them.." Namjoon said, turning a corner. "Here we are." Opening the door, she saw a tall woman with round glasses writing something on the whiteboard.

"Annyeong, I'm Park Y/N-" Y/N started, but was cut off.

"You sit next to Hoseok." the teacher said, still scribbling on the board. As she sat down, a few other kids filed in and the teacher turned around.

"Ah yes. Song Rae-kyo will be the person to help you."

A girl with short hair smiled at Y/N, and took the seat on her other side.

"My name is Rae-kyo, but please call me Rae, I know it might be a mouthful. You're Y/N, everyone's been talking about your arrival since Jin received a text and told Taehyung in the corridors. Honestly nobody really liked that, because your friends are popular and all the girls like them- ahem." she reeled off, catching herself at the last word.

"Nice to meet you!" said Y/N, smiling. Looks like she had made a new friend.

I know i havent updated in a while but i've been having some personal problems and shit like that so i will try to update again in the next 3 days but don't count on that.


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