~ Chapter 19 ~

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A/N: please read previous chapter! i would appreciate it a bunch if you havent already


Yoongi POV, 1st person.

Jin and I joined Namjoon, Namjoon's girlfriend, Hobi, and Y/N at the table in the cafeteria. I ignored Y/N and Rae-kyo, who were chatting together. I honestly was fine with Rae-kyo, she was like a female Namjoon, but Y/N was new and different and honestly I was pissed with her. I was also slightly pissed with Jin, he clearly had a crush on Y/N.

Like, a big crush.

As I took out my water bottle, Jin spoke up.

"Hey, how was your first class?" he asked, making eye contact with me. Typical Jin. I knew what his expression meant: be nice. Or you're sleeping on the cold floor. I laughed slightly, knowing that he meant it, but it wasn't bad. Like Jungkook once said: "I can sleep anywhere." We all have that talent.

Y/N shrugged. "Ms Sun was pretty nice, she introduced me to everyone. A kid tried to trip me, and I fell on my face."

I started laughing, a smile breaking out on my face.

"What the fuck, Yoongi?" Jin hissed. "It's not funn-"

"Aish, don't get too pissed at him. I don't care, it was pretty funny." Y/N said, even though she had crossed her arms at the random outburst. 

"It was still rude-" Jin started again, but Hobi looked at him with a Don't make things more awkward than they are.

"We also saw Soobin." Namjoon said, after a short awkward silence.

"Oh shit, what happened to that kid?" I said, trying to sound careless but failing. I was concerned for him. He was always pretty happy until that day we saw him with his friends, sobbing.

"He was-" Y/N started.

"Shut the actual fuck up, you don't know anything about this." I spat before thinking.

Silence at the table.

"I-" Y/N said, at a loss for words. I just sat there, looking dead at the table, not caring. Even though it had only been a few days, I was pissed.

She got up and left, picking up her backpack. But something fell out.

The sketchbook...? Nobody else saw it fall...

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