Toph x Aang (Part 2)

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Toph's point of view.

Later that evening, the gang gathered out on the steps. Each of them was silent when Katara sat down next to Toph. Before Took went to get a nap, Aang told her to tell Katara that he wanted to talk to her. "What?!" Katara proclaimed. Toph shrugged, "Hey sugar queen, Aang wants to talk to you alone." Toph heard Aang speak, "Yes Katara, I have something to discuss with you." Toph didnt say any more. "Where am I meeting you to discuss this thing?" Katara asked. "Meet me at the beach at midday." Toph didn't know why, but something about this Katara and Aang meet up didn't feel right. Nothing about it did. Katara walked, Zuko, Sokka, and Suki had split away from the group as well. Leaving Aang and Toph. "Hey twinkle toes, why don't we practice your earth bending?" Aang shrugged and helped her up. "Sure, why not." The two found a dip in the land that would be perfect for earth bending. Toph handed him a blind fold. "Alright, I'm ready." Aang said, getting into position. She started launching rocks at him. Aang dodged each blow. As time passed by, she finally thought Aang had improved. She stopped her attacks and walked towards Aang. As she felt along his face, she pulled the blindfold off. "Good work." Her hand lingered for a few moments more until she turned away. "It's nearly midday. Go wait for Katara." Toph reminded him. "Oh yeah... Alright." Aang didn't sound too pleased to go meet with Katara. Maybe he wants to stay with me? Toph thought. No that's silly. She pushed the thought away. Aang helped her back to the steps saying his goodbyes. Toph heard him walk away. Her loneliness growing stronger. Toph decided that she would wait here for Aang at the steps. She sat sown, her thoughts running wild.

-My next post should be next week or sooner. I'll be making a schedule soon!-

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