Toph x Aang (Part 1)

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Taang Fanfiction- Let her have fun with her rocks.

~ This is a ship that should have been, Toph x Aang. This story takes place just after Zuko joined the gang and Toph and Aang suppose something is up, so they work together to figure it out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Aang's Point of View

Aang walked slowly along the streets, Toph at his side. Sokka and Suki went to go buy some cabbages. As Aang walked along, he noticed somebody pushing a cart. Moments later Aang realized that the merchant hadn't seen the two. As quick as he could, he grabbed Toph's hand and pulled her aside. Pressing her against his chest until the merchant passed by. When the merchant passed, he let go of her. "What was that for twinkle toes?" She asked, Aang still gripped her hand. "Oh, a merchant was passing by with a cart, he nearly hit you." Aang replied, letting go of her hand. They kept moving, looking at each booth. "You could have just pushed me out of the way you know." Aang ignored her and led her to a roasted duck cart. "2 please." The merchant folded the boxes.

"Hey Aang look at this cabbage I found!" Sokka showed Aang a good-looking cabbage. "Cool." He placed the boxes of duck into a bag and then looked at the other bags. "Do we have everything?" Suki shrugged, "I think so." Aang did another check before having Suki and Sokka take two bags and he took one. They pushed through the crowd, Aang grabbed Toph's hand to help her through. He let go of her hand when the made it away from the crowd and on their way back.


As they walked in, Zuko and Katara greeted them back. "How was your trip to the city?" Zuko asked. "It was great! We got all kinds of vegetables!" He said. Sokka piped in, "Yeah! And meat!" Aang saw Toph nod. Katara asked, "Where is all this food." Sokka then spoke, "We put it in the kitchen before you guys woke up." Suki shifted her stance before saying, "Yeah before we ate most of it, and guys the leftovers are the kitchen If you want any." Katara started gathering the bowls. As she walked away Aang noticed she had forgotten about her bowl. Moments later Zuko shouted, "Hey you forgot your bowl!" She called from the kitchen, "Oh my bad, will you bring it to me Zuko?" A minute later he called back, "sure I'd love to."

Aang frowned, he felt like something was going on between Katara and Zuko. He glanced to Toph, who was still sitting at the table. "Hey Toph, why haven't you left to get some sleep?" Her foot shifted, and Aang realized what she was up to. "What's happening in there?" Aang asked. Toph blinked, "Zuko is saying something to Katara. Now she's walking away and... Zuko is doing the dishes?" Aang nodded. "Alright, you should get some sleep"


+ Sorry it's a bit short. I'll right more soon. :) +

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