Toph x Aang (Part 6)

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Taang Fanfiction- Let her have fun with her rocks.

Toph brushed hair out of her face. Zuko left the room. Toph walked back to the bed, waking up Aang. “Aang... We might have a problem.”  

Aang’s Point of View

Toph had woken him up, saying that there might be a problem. Aang sat up, “Yeah...?” Toph looked worried, “Zuko saw me... On top of you. He knows.” Aang got to his feet. “Zuko knows?!” Toph nodded. “I’m so stupid!” He shook his head. “It’s not your fault... I’m the one that came in.” She reassured him. Aang still felt uneasy. Toph hugged him. “It’ll be ok.” Aang kissed her on the cheek before standing up. “Let’s go down for breakfast. Act like nothing happened.” Aang helped her up. They walked downstairs. As they were down Toph grabbed his arm. “I don’t think we should go....” Aang stopped walking. “Why?” Toph motioned to be quiet. Aang listened.

He thought he heard screaming. Aang grabbed Toph’s hand and started heading back upstairs. When they were nearly to the room, they saw Zuko at the end of the hallway. Aang felt uneasy, they slowly opened the door and walked back in. He closed it behind him. Aang listened for footsteps but never heard any. Toph stood in front of him, staring at the floor. He grabbed her chin, tilting her head up. Aang bent down, kissing her on the lips. Toph wrapped her arms around his neck. Aang picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist.  

He carried her to the bed, sitting down. Aang pulled her closer, he wrapped his arms around her back. Aang noticed it had gotten a little quiet. But he decided to ignore it. Right as he pulled Toph closer, the door slid open. Toph quickly got off but it was too late. The whole gang had saw him and Toph kissing. Toph hung her head, she knew her mistake. Katara folded her arms, “so what’s this?!” She demanded. “I can explain-” Aang started, although he really didn’t know what to say.

Aang glared at Sokka. Sokka just shrugged. Suki said nothing either. Sokka probably told Suki, and then told her not to tell anyone. So, this was entirely Zuko’s fault. He looked towards Toph. “I can’t believe this!” Katara screamed. “Sokka back me up!” Aang gestured to him.

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