Toph x Aang (Part 3)

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Katara came running from the beach and up the steps, she ran into the house and vanished. Toph
was very confused. She found herself walking to the beach, being careful that she didn’t fall into water.
“Aang!” She called his name. She thought she heard light crying, so Toph moved in that direction. Finally,
she felt Aang’s presence. “Aang...?” She found where he was sitting and sat down next to him. “Are you
ok? What happened?” Aang wiped a tear away. “I’m not ok... She hates me I know it. I just feel like....
something is up with her and Zuko.” Toph had thought the same thing, she felt strange patterns one night
when she was getting a drink. “Look at me, Aang” Aang’s position shifted. “But you can’t see-” Toph
grabbed his hand. “I said look at me.” She felt Aang move his head. “If she doesn’t want you, she doesn’t
deserve you. You hear me?” He nodded.
Toph hesitated before finding the back of his head and pulling him in for a kiss. Aang’s lips were
tense as he was surprised. But soon they softened, the kiss was tender. He let the kiss last for what felt
like a long time before he pulled away. “This feels wrong.” Aang spoke. Toph regretted the decision.
“Sorry...” Toph whispered. “It’s ok. Want to go with me to do sand bending?” Aang helped her up. “Sure, twinkle toes.”
Sorry it took so long! School has kept me busy and I kept forgetting. Enjoy! I should be posting more frequent (both here and enemy of love)


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