Toph x Aang (Part 7)

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 "And why didn't you tell me?!" Katara put her hand on her hips. "Because you were with Zuko! And I was really tired!" Aang was still sitting on the bed with Toph. "I can't believe this!" Katara placed a hand on her spinning head. "I can't believe you! I mean you were always hanging out with Zuko!" Aang started, "not to mention that we aren't anything!"

Katara looked shocked, "aang..-" The airbender stood up, "You said it yourself, Katara! 'Right now I'm just a little confused.'" He quoted her. "That doesn't mean I don't want to be with you!" She pointed out. "That doesn't mean you do want to be with me!" Aang shouted. "I don't get why you throw a fit when we aren't a thing! We were never a thing and I doubt we'll ever be!" Aang stormed out, shoving the gaang aside.

Author's Point of View

It had been a day after the fight. The gaang was getting packed and ready to leave. Until Toph, who was sitting on the fountain, asked where Aang was. Everyone looked shocked and realized they hadn't thought of that. Everyone quickly split up to find the missing Avatar. They looked in all the rooms until they stumbled upon Aang's staff. "He left his staff... That's so strange." Sokka muttered, the staff in his hands.

"Aang's not in the house, let's check the beach." Zuko suggested. As the gaang left the house and approached the beach Sokka noticed footprints, "look! There's his footprints! The trail ends here..." They studied the footprints, "So.. He went for a midnight swim and never came back?" Suki asked. "Maybe he was captured..." Katara suggested looking at Sokka.

"I don't think so, there's no sign of a struggle." Sokka pointed out. "I bet he ran away again." Toph crouched down by Sokka. "Uh uh, he left behind his glider and Appa." Sokka argued. "Then what do you think happened to him? Oh sleuthy one." Toph replied sarcastically.

"It's pretty obvious. Aang mysteriously disappears before an important battle?" Sokka stood up, "He's definitely on a spirit world journey." He announced, a proud grin spread crossed his face. "But if he was, wouldn't his body still be here?" Zuko pointed out. Sokka's proud grin was replaced with a frown, "Oh yeah, I forgot about that..."

"Then he's gotta be somewhere on Ember Island. Let's split up and look for him." Katara suggested. Toph quickly ran over and latched onto Zuko's arm. "I'm going with Zuko!" The firebender's face was tinted with blush as everyone looked at them.

"What? Everyone else went on a life-changing field-trip with Zuko. Now, it's my turn." Toph leaned more into his arm. Everyone shrugged and then went off to do their own things. Sokka took Appa and searched the water, Katara and Suki approached a chanting crowd. "Aang! Aang! Aang! Aang!" The two looked at each other before shoving themselves into the crowd, hoping to see the avatar.

The Aang from the play they watched turned around to face the two, "Avatar State, yip yip!" She announced. The whole crowd cheered as the fake Aang was lifted in the air and did a heroic pose. Suki and Katara made angry faces, disappointed.

Meanwhile, Toph was telling Zuko her whole life story as they searched the beach. "... and then when I was nine. I ran away again."

"Uh-huh..." Zuko muttered, bored. "I know I shouldn't complain. My parents gave me everything I ever asked for." She shrugged, "But they never gave the one thing that I really wanted... their love. You know what I mean?" Zuko groaned and stopped to look at Toph, "Look, I know you had a rough childhood, but we should really focus on finding Aang."

Zuko continued walking. "This is the worst field trip ever..." Toph muttered, blowing her bangs.


--A/n: I had to rewatch a few Avatar episodes for this lol.

Sorry it took me a while to write! I had most of this series prewritten until the previous part. So I have to write more now.

Credits to orangecatfruit for suggesting that I include the lion turtle. The rest of that episode will be in the next part(s).

I have school starting up soon so I might not be posting often.

Thanks for reading! Make sure you check out my other stories~!


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