Toph x Aang (Part 9)

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And so, they all got on Appa and began their search once more.  


“Zuko I don’t wanna tell you how to do your job, but why are we heading towards the Earth Kingdom?” Sokka asked, leaning forward, “There’s no way Aang’s there.” Zuko glanced back at him, “Just trust me.”  

A/n: Yes I’m aware after this scene it’s the Azula and Ozai scene, but I’m not sure I could incorporate this into the episode, so we’ll skip it. :)

After a long flight, Zuko opened the door to a tavern. Katara, Sokka, Toph, and Suki following behind. “And the reason you brought us to a seedy Earth Kingdom tavern is what now?” Katara asked, looking around.

“Jun.” Zuko said, pointing to a black-haired woman who sat at a table with her tea. A man ran to strike her, but she easily stopped him just by lifting her leg. “Oh, yeah, that weird bounty hunter with the giant mole.” Sokka commented.

Jun easily dodged a few men that came at her. “Mole? Her skin is flawless.” Katara said. “No, she has this giant mole-creature she rides around on.” As the gaang was busy talking, Jun was dodging men with ease.

“The Shirshu. It’s the only animal that can track Aang’s scent anywhere in the world.” Zuko added, “It’s the one shot we have of finding him.” A man charged at Jun once more, Jun’s tea launched up right into the air as she stumbled backwards.

When the man charged at her again, she grabbed his arm and launched him over her shoulder. He came crashing down on a table that was across the room. Jun caught her cup as the tea fell back in, not a single drop spilled.  

“I don’t know who this Jun lady is, but I like her!” Toph said with a big smile.

Meanwhile, Momo licked Aang’s face, waking up the young avatar. He groaned and sat up, “Hey, Momo. I just had the strangest dream...” He placed his hand on his head.

Aang looked around quickly, his eyes focused to reveal him on a strange island. “Wait... Where are we?” He stared out at the ongoing ocean.

A/n: When I wrote that sentence, I immediately thought of Eren lmao.

A/n: When I wrote that sentence, I immediately thought of Eren lmao

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Jun kicked a chair forward and plopped down in it as the gaang stared at her from afar. “Hey I remember her, she helped you attack us.” Sokka said. “Yep. Back in the good old days.” Zuko said, walking forwards to the black-haired woman.

“Oh, great, it’s Prince Pouty,” Jun added, “Where’s your creepy grandpa?” She shot a side glance at the firebender. “He’s, my uncle. And he’s not here...” He muttered. “I see you worked things out with your girlfriend.” Jun referred to Zuko and Katara, taking a sip of her steaming tea.

“I’m not his girlfriend!”

“She’s not my girlfriend”

They both said simultaneously.

“Okay, okay. Sheesh. I was only teasing.” Jun stared at the cup. “So, what do you want?” Suki stared at Jun judgingly as Zuko explained, “I need your help finding the Avatar."

“Hm, doesn’t sound too fun.” Jun took yet another sip of her tea. “Does the end of the world sound like more fun?!” Zuko lunged forward slightly.  

And so, the gaang walked out of the tavern with Jun. “Nyla~” Jun said, holding up a slab of meat. She threw the treat to her Shirshu. “Whose my little snuffly-wuffly?” She pet Nyla’s snout. Nyla suddenly jumped up and flicked her tongue, nearly hitting Jun.

“Woah! Careful there!” Jun pushed down on its snout, stopping it from hitting anyone, causing a temporary paralysis. “Okay, so who’s got something with the Avatar’s scent on it?” Jun asked. “I have Aang’s staff.” She climbed down and handed it to the strange lady.

Jun brought it over to Nyla, letting the Shirshu sniff it. Nyla sniffed the air, pacing around trying to trace the scent. Then it plopped onto its belly, resting its head on the ground, and scratched its nose with its forepaws.

“Well, what does that mean?” Zuko crossed his arms across his chest. “It means your friend’s gone.” Jun said, petting Nyla. “We know he’s gone. That's why we’re trying to find him.” Toph put her hands on her hips.  

“No, I mean he’s gone-gone,” Jun stood up, “he doesn’t exist.” She turned to look at them. Katara raised her eyebrows, everyone looked surprised.


Momo chased a bug in a tree while Aang walked around, “where are we momo?” They were in a lush forest island, light seeped through the top of the trees. “Maybe I'm in the Spirit World?” Aang ducked under a thick tree branch. “But, wait, you can see me...” He thought.

“We could both be in the Spirit World.” The lemur stared at the avatar with beady green eyes. Aang did a cool maneuver as he bended air out of his hands. “Nope, my bending works.” He said, staring at his hands. Momo jumped onto Aang’s shoulder. “Maybe if we climb to the top of the island, we can figure out where we are.”

He pointed up a hill.  


“What do you mean Aang doesn’t exist? Do you mean he’s... you know... dead?” Sokka questioned Jun. “Nope, we could find him if he were dead.” Jun said. “Oh, it’s a real head scratcher.” She shrugged. “See ya.”  

“Helpful... Real helpful.” Toph said. “Wait, I have another idea.” Zuko said quickly. “There’s only one other person in this world who can help us face the Firelord. I’ll be right back with a smell sample.” Zuko ran off for a few moments, before coming back with a stinky sandle. Flies flew around it.

“You saved your uncle’s sweaty sandal?” Sokka said, covering his nose, Suki and Katara doing the same. “I think it’s kind of sweet.” Toph crossed her arms across her chest. Nyla lunged forward and smelled the sandal.

“Let’s do this.” Jun said pulling on the reins. The Shirshu started running. “Hey, wait up!” Zuko said, the gaang quickly getting onto Appa. The bison took flight as they chased after Jun. They flew past Rocky Mountains and lush forests. Desperate to find what they were looking for. They approached a broken wall that seemed to stretch for miles both ways.  

“We’re going to Ba Sing Se?” Zuko asked, Appa landing onto the ground. “Your uncle is somewhere beyond the wall. Nyla is getting twitchy, so it can’t be too far.” Jun said. “Good luck.” She smiled, slightly before flicking the reins and taking off.

Zuko watched her run off before saying, “It’s been a long day. Let’s camp and start our search again at dawn.”  

Hope you enjoyed this episode! Make sure you read the important a/n that is posted after this!

(And if you haven't read the important a/n posted before this make sure to check it out!~)

Have an amazing day!~

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