Toph x Aang (Part 5)

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After Zuko taught Aang some stuff, Aang went to bed. But he couldn't sleep, so he just sat there. Staring at a wall and playing with his fingers. He heard the door slide open, "Who's there?" Aang looked at the door. "It's me twinkle toes." Toph's voice came from the entrance. She came over and sat by him. "Everything ok?" Aang sighed. "Yeah yeah, it's fine..." He was still trying to process what was going through his mind. I want to kiss her so bad... Aang thought.

No, you shouldn't.... Aang gently hit his fist on his head. "You gotta face it head on." Toph's words earlier struck him. Was this what he wanted? "Twinkle toes?" Aang didn't answer. "Aang, if you are mad about earlier.... I-" Toph trailed off as Aang grabbed the back of her neck. He hadn't noticed her hair was down until now. He leaned in and kissed her.

Aang pulled her onto his lap, her hand running along his bare chest. He usually slept without a shirt on.

----Toph's Point of View-----

Aang had just pulled Toph into a kiss. She went in to talk to him about the kiss on the beach, but now it doesn't matter. She ran her hand along his chest, realizing he wasn't wearing a shirt. Suddenly, the door slid open. Aang and Toph quickly broke apart, she could feel Sokka at the door. "Uh.... What was happening...?" Sokka's voice sounded shocked.

Blush rushed onto Toph's face; they were caught. But she knew something Sokka didn't know she did. "Say a word to anyone, and I'll tell Katara what you were doing last night." Toph said, pointing towards him. Sokka's position shifted, "and what do you know?" Toph laughed, "I'm glad you asked, if you are going to sneak into Suki's room you might want to check if the bed is creaky." Sokka was silent for a moment. "Fine. I won't tell a soul, just.... Don't get caught by anybody else." Sokka left, leaving Toph and Aang alone again.

"Aang, I thought you said it didn't feel right..." Toph still sat on his lap. Aang moved some of the hair out of her face. "I was wrong." Toph smiled and kissed him again. He grabbed her legs, while Toph wrapped her arms around his neck. She laid Aang down onto his back, Toph on top. They were like that a few moments more before Toph broke the kiss, laying her head on his chest. Aang wrapped his arms around her waist. Soon, Toph drifted into a dream.  


As Toph woke up, Aang was still asleep. She enjoyed his warmth. But something felt strange, she felt somebody else in the room. "You're awake." Zuko was leaning against the wall by the door. "Z-Zuko?!" Toph sat up, she was still on top of Aang. "May I ask why you are in here... On top of Aang?" Zuko took a step forward. "Uh... I was scared so... I slept in here...?" Toph lied. "If you are going to lie you might as well put an effort into it." Toph got off the bed and walked towards Zuko. "What were you doing in Katara's room then?" Toph accused him. "Just sleeping!" His heartbeat quickened. A lie. "I know you're lying!"

Toph brushed hair out of her face. Zuko left the room. Toph walked back to the bed, waking up Aang. "Aang... We might have a problem."  


As Toph woke up, Aang was still asleep. She enjoyed his warmth. But something felt strange, she felt somebody else in the room. "You're awake." Zuko was leaning against the wall by the door. "Z-Zuko?!" Toph sat up, she was still on top of Aang. "May I ask why you are in here... On top of Aang?" Zuko took a step forward. "Uh... I was scared so... I slept in here...?" Toph lied. "If you are going to lie you might as well put an effort into it." Toph got off the bed and walked towards Zuko. "What were you doing in Katara's room then?" Toph accused him. "Just sleeping!" His heartbeat quickened. A lie. "I know you're lying!"

-Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!-

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